I wanted to speak but… (Invisible discrimination)

Many times I thought that I should reveal my hidden experience but inner force restricted me. We suffer from deep anguish in life and bear it as a part of living. When we face odds and we have no solutions then our feelings burst like volcano.  Our agony sometimes is so severe that it has negative impact on our personality. Therefore it is important to release negative energies of our psyche.

Living in unfavorable environment, we find it difficult to deal with life challenges. Defeated or persecuted from close ones, we cannot express our feelings with others. And this makes life hell. People misunderstand, dominate or degrade an individual who keeps silence. Though unintentional, but when our blood relatives behave in immoral or undisciplined way, we experience invisible discrimination.

It is easy to visualize that persons from affluent family are cheerful and enjoying their life. It is not sometimes true. Even well-educated families involve in depraved acts that cannot be sensed by social members. They discriminate their daughters or family members on the basis of personal attributes. In lively example, simple and honest girl in family is persecuted by other members on the ground of her moral behaviour. She could not raise her voice to wrong happenings with her; others became more powerful and tried to dominate most of the time. Since childhood, some girls or weak siblings are discriminated for getting substandard items, take wrongdoings of others on their shoulders. It is their humbleness to shield siblings or other members in family.  Such persons want to speak but to bind the family and for respecting elders, normally they become silent and tolerate such nuisance. It does not mean that they are not aware of their hidden torture.  When societal people start blaming such moral led individuals, and questioning them, they really dip in grief. It is not uniformly happen with innocent victims of discrimination because there is a positive energy injected by supreme power of galaxy (Holy divine) which make them potent and armour them from negative or monstrous supremacies. It is a natural truth with girls who experience invisible discrimination in their whole life are leading joyful life. Hard truth is that if there is invisible discrimination, there is invisible Godly power too that blesses innocent people and masks from any danger.

It is universally assumed that we are humans and we cannot be perfect in all means. But what about that lady piolet who landed aircraft without any turbulence in extremely rough weather in France. If she can do her task perfectly, then why we cannot behave in principled way and avoid discrimination.

When our parents discriminate us, it is a severe torture and it also reflects on our offspring. When we are blamed for doing nothing, it pushes us to deep sorrow. To intact the family, sometimes, moral person does not disclose his/her feelings and remain in the pond of melancholy. In family structure, some people want to take aid of honest and moral persons in terms of managing finance or health assistance but they want to enjoy other physical amenities with others. This is again an invisible discrimination.

It has also been found that people may create confusion with moral persons. They flash wrong image of a person with whom they are living. Just envisage the psyche of that person who suffers from such intense pain.

It is just to air the message to government officials, societal leaders, researchers and intellectuals that they must pay attention on such invisible discrimination practices and implement policies to lessen this grave social issue and help to build progressive, brilliant and healthy society.

In grinding the frame of mind about invisible discrimination, it is recognized that such approaches of near ones or surroundings make feeble to the person and they injure their intellect to lead joyous life in this wonderful cosmos. Invisible discrimination must be eradicated to make noble society.

Important: This article is based on personal views of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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