Proteinuria (Bubbles in urine): knocking serious disease


Some medical conditions give birth to life-threatening diseases if not treated timely. Foams or bubbles in urine should not be taken lightly. It may knock serious health problems. Generally, waste products of metabolism are expelled from the body by the kidneys through the urine. The urine contains wastes that have been filtered from the blood by the kidneys, and it is a pale, straw yellow, or amber-coloured liquid that excreted from the body through the urethra. Urine contains water, uric acid, urea, inorganic salts, ammonia, and blood pigments that have been broken down. In normal course, urine is not foamy.


Foamy urine may be linked with an abnormal medical condition. If a person passes foamy urine regularly, it may be indication of some disease which must be checked by doctors.

Major causes of foamy urine:


Fast urination may lead to foaming in the urine. Some people ignore going to the bathroom and their bladder is full. This can cause forceful urination, and results in fast emptying of the bladder. The stream of urine that follows hits the toilet rapidly and causes foam in urine. If people do not drink enough water or fluids then it results in dehydration which leads the kidneys to produce concentrated urine. This also leads to foamy urine. But these causes are not serious and through lifestyle changes, foams may disappear.


When female is pregnant, it is normal to have bubbles in urine. This is because kidneys in some women enlarge and so does the permeability of the glomerulus. This leads to traces of protein in the urine causing bubbles. It is recommended to visit an obstetrician for check-up.


Bubbles in urine may also experience by women during the first 2 days of their menstrual period. But it is normal.



If there is regular formation of foam in urine, it is cause of worry. Person must seek advice of medical practitioner for diagnosis and treatment.

People who have hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes have higher risk of seeing bubbles in their urine.


There are chances of protein in urine that can cause foamy urination. Small quantity of protein may be naturally expelled in the urine. When protein is excreted in huge amounts, it is abnormal condition, known as proteinuria that indicate the kidney damage. This condition is a bit difficult to be lessened effectively. If a person in the stage 1 or stage 2 CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) then he/she has great chances of getting reversed. However, if person is in the advanced stages of Chronic Kidney Disease, he/she may not recover effectively as kidney function have lost at least a half. It is necessary to take a test to check kidney function, especially when person exhibit symptoms like swelling and fatigue.


Some conditions may cause proteins to be filtered out into the urine.

These are as under:


1. Kidney infection: An infection in the urinary tract caused by bacteria or fungi can result in foamy urine. This is usually accompanied by a burning pain during urination.


2. Kidney damage: People who suffer from kidney disease as a complication of diabetes or kidney stones can also lead to foamy urine. To diagnose kidney disease, urinalysis may be done, followed by other relevant tests such as the dipstick test and other blood tests. A 24-hour urine collection may also be requested for better evaluation of kidney function.


3. Excess dietary intake of proteins


Excess protein in the urine can come from causes such as inflammation of the glomerulus. It may also be the sign of a kidney malfunction, a side effect of a drug, rheumatoid arthritis, or various other conditions. If person experiences excess protein in urine, he/she must visit doctor and arrange for a test to confirm.


If person is getting cramps or pain in his/her lower back, this could be a sign of kidney disease.


Vesicocolic Fistula is another abnormal cause of bubbles and/or foam in urine. This happens when there is an abnormal connection between the colon and the bladder and swelling forms on the bladder. This infection is more prevalent in men.


Proteinuria may be detected in a urinalysis.


Treatment options:  Treatment depends on the causes of foaming urine.


If foams in urine appear due to dehydration, there is no treatment or intervention needed. But person can take preventive measures to control this problem such as.


•           Increase water intake and maintain adequate hydration.


•           Avoid unnecessarily holding the urine for longer period.


•           Avoid passing urine quickly or in a rush.


•           Consult a healthcare provider if the condition does not resolve.


If foamy urine is diagnosed due to presence of protein in urine, it indicates the pathophysiology of proteinuria turns around the impairment to the kidney or renal apparatus. Treatment depends on the identification of the causative agent and control of symptoms through suitable antibiotic and other medications to control the infection process.


Fistula formation is an abnormal medical condition that is usually reported in the setting of Crohn’s disease and other inflammatory bowel condition. Suitable medical care should be given to lessen the risk of complications.


Foamy urine due to presence of Semen may appear in extremely small amounts. Sometimes, traces of semen are left on the urethra that may flush down with urine. A condition known as retrograde ejaculation may also cause foamy urine, in which there is malfunctioning of the urinary sphincters that causes the back flow of semen. For treatment, appropriate medical or surgical treatment should be sought to arrest the symptoms.


Foamy Urine due to kidney disease such as Individuals with renal disease (secondary to hypertension or diabetes) often complaints of foamy urine. Diagnosis is done through urine analysis and relevant tests.

After evaluation of symptoms, suitable treatment should be given to address the patient concerns and to control the damage.


Natural remedies to treat bubbles in urine:


·         Person must reduce the intake of salt and protein.


·         Person must maintain blood sugar level.


In brief, it is scrutinized that foamy urine is most common cause of malfunctioning of kidney. Because, the main function of kidneys is filtration. Any damage caused to it inhibits in the filtration system. It is pressing problem and person must contact doctors for immediate treatment.



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