Migraine: causes and risk factors

Migraine is severe ache in which person suffer unbearable headache. These penetrating headaches can show symptoms like nausea; vomiting; sensitivity to sounds, smells, and light; and vision changes. If a person experiences irregular migraines, the headache and symptoms may last only for a day or two. If patients experience chronic migraines then the symptoms may occur for15 days or more each month. Migraine is most common medical condition between the age of 25 and 55. It can be said that migraine is simply a headache because normal functioning of central nervous system is disrupted.
Migraine is an enduring problem. It may begin in childhood and vanish and re-emerge in new ways throughout an individual’s life. Generally, there is a decrease in headache intensity and an increase in the incidence of a typical symptoms of migraine such as vertigo, ear pain, and bowel symptoms as patients mature.

When migraine attacks on individual, abnormal electrical activity may occur in the brain tissues. Initially it was supposed that blood vessel spasms caused this abnormal activity, but recent studies demonstrated that the electrical disruption is the prime event, and the blood flow changes are a response to the electrical disturbance. The propensity to generate this electrical disturbance is perhaps heightened by getting certain forms of the ion channels that set the electrical activity in these nerve cells. Ion channels are like chemical gates. They control the flow of sodium, potassium, and other elements in and out of nerve cells. Migraine may signify a set of biochemical abnormalities of these gates.

Why migraine occurs:

Migraine is still in research stage. Medical scholars have recognized probable causes, but there are no definitive causes.

Several possible causes are as under:

-      Central nervous system disorder. A fundamental disorder may set off a migraine episode when the disorder is elicited.

-      Vascular problem. Abnormalities in the brain’s blood vessel system may trigger migraines.

-      Genes. Genes play significant role in causing migraine in person. If a family member who experiences migraine headaches, it increases risk for having migraines in family.

-      Chemical abnormalities: Some brain chemicals and nerve paths are active during a migraine headache. Irregularities in any of these areas may cause migraine.

It is established in medical reports that migraine triggers are inimitable to each person. Causes of a migraine for one person might not be for others. It is not infrequent for a person to have numerous migraine triggers.
A migraine trigger is any environmental, dietary, or physiologic factor that can aggravate migraine activity in the brain.

The most common migraine triggers are mentioned below:

-      Food items such as salty foods or aged foods like cheese and salami, may trigger migraine headaches. Highly processed foods can cause a migraine.

-      People who skip meals may experience episodes of migraines.

-      Alcohol and caffeine may cause headaches.

-      Preservatives and sweeteners can generate a migraine.

-      Sensory stimulation such as bright lights, loud noises, or strong smells may set off a migraine headache. Strong scents, such as perfume, paint, and cigarette smoke can also cause migraine.

-      Hormonal changes can also cause migraine trigger for females. Changing levels of oestrogen may activate headaches.

-      Hormone medications such as birth control and hormone replacement therapies can trigger or deteriorate a migraine.

-      Continual stress can cause migraines. Stress deteriorate human body and mind if it is not controlled effectively.

-      Sleep disorder may cause migraine. If person is not having regular, routine sleep, he/she may experience more migraines.

-      Some times changes in weather and shifts in barometric pressure can trigger a migraine.

Treatment of Migraines:

Though researchers are continually involved to explore the causes and treatment techniques but medical advancement could not find solutions to migraine headache. These people are left untreated because they are displeased with therapy. Generally doctors treat migraines with two approaches that include abortive and preventive.

The aim of abortive therapy is to stop a migraine attack or to stop it once it starts. The recommended medications stop a headache during its prodrome stage or once it has begun and may be taken as needed. These forms of medication are particularly beneficial for people who vomit during a migraine, and they work quickly.

Abortive treatment medications consist of the triptans, which specifically target the chemical serotonin.

Preventive measures: Doctors advice to take preventive measures to lessen the impact of migraine. Medication to prevent a migraine can be taken daily. Different drug classes have been used successfully as preventive therapies.

Risk factors for Migraines:

Several risk factors are associated with migraine headaches. These risk factors are as under:

-      Age. Migraines can first appear at any age. Though, most people will experience their first migraine during teenage years.  

-      Family history. If person’s family member has migraines, he/she is more prone to migraine.

-      Gender. During childhood, boys experience migraine headaches more than girls. After puberty, girls are more likely to have migraine headaches than boys.

In essence, migraine intimidate persons and in this condition, they cannot do normal activities. It is always better to comprehend root causes and take preventive measures to avert this horrible state. 


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