Finger bowl- how hygienic for diners

There are some etiquettes of restaurant dining that must be followed by guests or diners. One of the last serving in restaurant to finish the lunch or dinner is finger bowl.

A finger bowl is a dish with half-filled water used for rinsing fingers between courses during formal, multiple course meals. It is normally served before the dessert sequence. In finger bowl, a glass ornament, flower petals, lemon slice, sprig of mint or other beautification is often floated to attract guests in restaurant. It is particularly suitable when the main course involves food which cannot be eaten completely with silverware. Finger bowls were used after the fruit course to elude staining napkins.


Finger bowl etiquette:


In a restaurant, when diners must follow etiquette in using the finger bowl. After meals when finger bowl is served to them, they dip only the fingertips of the hands into the bowl. Wipe fingertips dry with napkin while napkin remains on their lap. They must cautiously lift the finger bowl and doily and place them to their upper left of place setting.


In today’s environment, more people are fond of going out and want to have lunch or dinner to celebrate personal parties. Some diners do not know how to use finger bowl. These ill-mannered habits create unhygienic problems and others have to suffer.


As we know, finger bowls are served to every diners after meals. If some people do not know the etiquette of using finger bowls, it may be unhygienic for others and they may be prone to numerous infection. Main gist of above justification is that be careful while using finger bowl in restaurant.


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