Know about skin problems in hot summer

Heat waves are blowing and these brings numerous skin problems. To curb such problems, you can use following tips:

Sunburn: The summer sun is so harsh that it can scorch your skin, causing red patches, and rashes that give a burning sensation. This happens more in people who have sensitive skin. In simple language, it is the sun burning up your soft and sensitive skin. It is suggested that to avoid sun burn, people must minimise sun exposure. They must wear sunscreen religiously."

Home remedies are as under:

Apply a sunblock cream liberally all over your face, neck and arms 20 minutes before stepping out.
Make sure you re-apply the same every four hours to ensure continuous protection.
People who have sensitive skin must wear clothes covering as much skin as possible during the day time.
Ending your day with an aloe vera gel face pack will cool down the sunburnt skin.

Acne: This is the most common skin condition to some degree, but it primarily affects teenagers undergoing hormonal changes. Acne may be mild (few, occasional pimples), moderate (inflammatory papules), or severe (nodules and cysts). Acne is mainly a hormonal condition driven by male or ‘androgenic’ hormones, which typically become active during the teenage years. Sensitivity to such hormones, combined with bacteria on the skin, and fatty acids within oil glands, cause acne. Common sites for acne are the face, chest, shoulders, and back, the sites of oil glands. Acne lesions include whiteheads, blackheads, small bumps, and nodules and cysts.

To reduce acne, care should be taken to keep the skin clean always.

-People must carry face wash with them and wash thrice daily or whenever they think it is needed to clean up.
-Use a good facial cleanser every evening so that skin pores are free of dirt
-Use anti-bacterial face wash.
-Often acne might need medical attention. People may visit a dermatologist. They may need hormonal correction.

Dehydration: This conditions makes skin dry, irritated and more prone to sunburn. Your lips may start cracking and dry patches may appear all over.

Home remedy:

-Always have a water bottle with you and do not go without drinking once every half an hour
-Drink lot of juices and summer fruits to your intake. Fruits like watermelon which are full of water content are particularly good for the body and skin during summers.
-People can also take deep hydrating treatments like Hydrating Electroporation Therapy, Oxygen Therapy or Juvederm Refine.

Heat rashes: Several factors make human skin irritable in hot summer. Sometimes dirt and dust clogs the sweat ducts of the skin, trapping the perspiration. This can cause itchy rashes, blisters or mini bumps. Clothes can make them irritable all the more irritable because of friction.

Following are the ways to fix this problem:

-Keep yourself squeaky clean, if you sweat.
-Bath twice daily, particularly so when you end your day.
-Use an anti-bacterial soap or bath gel.
-Keep yourself dry as much as possible.
-Rubbing the affected skin with ice cubes can help soothe the irritation. If the condition persists, visit a dermatologist.

Bacterial infections: Due to hot temperature, person may get bacterial infection. According to medical experts, People who use public transport and keep moving in crowded places are more susceptible to multiple bacterial infections.

Remedies for controlling bacterial infection:

-People must keep their hands clean and washed most of the times.
-Carry a hand wash and keep washing every couple of hours.
-Folliculitis is a common condition when the damaged hair follicles get infected by bacteria, resulting in inflammation. To prevent this use loose clothes, avoid using swimming pools which are not properly disinfected, prevent cuts when shaving.

Tanning: This condition develops when exposed to the sun's UV radiation, the skin's melanin reacts by forming a protective shield. The melanin results in dark pigmentation, either uniformly all over the skin or in patches on the skin. The result is in skin darkening, tanning or hyper-pigmentation.

It is advised to:
-Use sunscreen of at least 30 SPF and reapplying is important. Wear sunglasses to prevent dark circles
-Disengage the effects of tanning, seek procedures like laser skin rejuvenation, chemical peels or Microdermabrasion

In summer, most people have itchy, irritated and harsh skin. Therefore it is important to take care of skin to become healthy. 


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