Bipolar disorder is a major health problem in woman

Women are a vital part of family and they are the major source of income in many families. They keep balance household and office work bearing intense stress which leads to numerous mental health dilemmas. Mood disorder is more widespread in women when they live under such circumstances. Many researches indicate that certain mental disorders are more prevalent in women. Women frequently visit to mental health services as compared to men due to their hectic lifestyle. Many cases have been reported for the higher rates of depression and anxiety; women are more prone to obsessive compulsive disorder. women between the ages of 18 and 45 comprise the majority of mood disorder with major depression. These illnesses require immediate attention. If untreated, the effects can be devastating. The chronic manic and depressive episodes that characterize the ailment make it difficult to lead a normal life. It is observed that in the manic stage, patient may be agitated and become reckless. In the depressive phase, patient has difficulty to perform any type of task. The responsibility of health practitioner is to handle the cases carefully and must have deep knowledge to treat the patient.


Bipolar disorder, also recognized as manic-depressive illness, is one of the most severe psychiatric diseases. It is a medical condition that involves changes in brain function leading to dramatic mood swings. During illness, a person may experience periods of elevated mood, periods of depressed mood. It negatively affects the patient's mood, activity, and thought processes. It is characterized by one or more manic episodes and typically by one or more depressive episodes, the disorder evident as an elevated, expansive, petulant mood and a multitude of behavioral symptoms. Mania patients are dangerous not only to themselves but to others also. Therefore if acute symptoms are observed, it is considered as emergencies in psychiatry. Bipolar II disorder is described by episodes of hypomania and, invariably, major depression. Patient of mood disorder may be more susceptible to emotional and physical stresses and the break-up of an important relationship, drug and alcohol use, changes in routine or extreme stimulation may cause a chemical imbalance that can cause a manic episode. The etiology of bipolar disorder is predominantly genetic. There is no e cause of bipolar. Genetic factors may be responsible for the condition of the disorder. The disorder is found uniformly in patients of varying socioeconomic backgrounds.


The symptoms of bipolar disorder appear suddenly due to intense life stress, although onset may be steady. Episodes of mania, which can last from days to weeks or months, are generally lesser than episodes of depression. It typically emerges in adolescence or early adulthood, but may begin in childhood. There are individual differences. Some people cycle either speedily or more gradually from one mood to the other, while others experience ‘normal’ moods (mixed state) between episodes. Some people go for years without a recurrence, while others suffer from increasingly frequent episodes. As in depression, a small percentage suffer impaired mood constantly.


Manic phase of bipolar disorder:

symptoms of the manic phase of bipolar disorder may include euphoria,  extreme optimism, inflated self-esteem, poor judgment, rapid speech,  racing thoughts, aggressive behavior, agitation, increased physical activity, risky behavior, spending sprees, increased drive to perform or achieve goals, increased sexual drive, decreased need for sleep, tendency to be easily distracted, inability to concentrate and drug abuse. Symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder may include sadness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts or behavior, anxiety, guilt, sleep problems, appetite problems, fatigue, loss of interest in daily activities, problems concentrating, irritability, and chronic pain without a known cause.


Health professional make diagnosis based on the clinical findings, after a complete medical history and physical examination. Doctors often use medications such as mood stabilizers to treat acute episodes of mania and depression, to reduce the cycling, and to prevent relapse. In physical exam, it is recommended to measure height and weight; check vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure and temperature; listen to the heart and lungs; and examining the abdomen.


Some laboratory tests are done.  These are a complete blood count as well as thyroid tests and other blood tests. You may also have a urinalysis. Psychological evaluation of patient is done professional. A doctor will talk to you about patient’s thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. Patient may also complete psychological self-assessments and questionnaires. Patient may be interrogated about substance or alcohol abuse. Family members or close friends may be asked to provide information about patient’s symptoms and possible episodes of mania or depression. Diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder are based on the precise type of bipolar disorder as well as the history and types of episodes, such as manic, hippomanic or depressed.


If treatment is not given at time, bipolar disorder can result in severe emotional and even and financial problems that affect every area of patient’s life. Complications that bipolar disorder may cause are suicide, substance and alcohol abuse, legal problems, financial problems, relationship troubles, isolation, poor work or school performance. Psychotherapy is the best way to treat bipolar disorder treatment. Several types of therapy may be useful. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common form of individual therapy for bipolar disorder. The focus of cognitive behavioral therapy is recognizing unhealthy, negative beliefs and behaviors and replacing them with healthy, positive ones. In addition, patient can learn about bipolar disorder and its treatment and what may trigger his bipolar episodes. He also learns effective strategies to manage stress and to cope with upsetting situations. Family therapy is given. Family therapy can help to recognize and reduce stressors within family. It can help family improve its communication style and problem-solving skills and resolve conflicts. Group therapy provides a discussion to communicate with and learn from others in a similar situation. It may also help build better relationship skills. Electroconvulsive therapy is mainly for people who have episodes of severe depression with suicidal tendencies or for people who haven't seen improvements in their symptoms despite other treatment. Electroconvulsive therapy is a process in which electrical currents are passed through brain to activate an attack. The seizure causes changes in brain chemistry that may lead to improvements in mood.


There are numerous factors which trigger mental imbalance in woman. Lots of pressures usually placed on women by family as well as social members. They are challenged with significant gender prejudice and other related factors of poverty, hunger, malnutrition and overwork. An extreme expression of gender disparity is sexual and domestic violence perpetrated against women. This socio-cultural sadism contributes to the high incidence of mental disorder experienced by women. women are more likely to be diagnosed with recurring affective disorder, eating disorders, panic disorders, puerperal psychosis and phobias than men and suicide attempts of woman are frequently observed in society These differences have implication for the treatment and continuing support of women with mental illness.


Women suffer different types of mental problems during their course of life. During their childbearing years women may need mental supports related to pregnancy and post-partum depression, especially if they have severe mental ailment. Women struggle throughout their life span with body image and eating disorders, although eating disorders are more common among younger women. Several feminist theorists have recently argued, women's health is not only determined by biological factors and reproduction, but they have mental illness through heavy workload, nutrition, strain, war, immigration. It is established that the common mental disorders affecting women are the Anxiety Disorders, including, panic, , social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Eating Disorders and Schizophrenia..


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