Avoid Distractions While studying

Distractions really frustrate students that come in many forms, sizes and sounds. External distractions are noise, people talking, TV, music, phone alerts, and anything else that diverts attention from studies. Internal distractions like hunger, fatigue, illness, stress, worries, and other distracting thoughts can interrupt student’s concentration as much as external distractions.

Students need concentration for preparing for competitive examinations because there is cut throat competition and they have to succeed in their exams. To accomplish such giant goals, they require soothing and comfortable environment. During studies, various distractors occur and immensely affect the performance. These distractions pose a serious threat to their learning productivity.

Following are the some tips to avoid distractors when preparing for competitive examinations

Ø  Studying Without Noise: Noise and other distractions significantly reduce ability to concentrate on, and therefore engage with and retain, complex academic material. To manage such distraction, it is suggested to study in good environment.

Ø  Put your phone on silent mode and place it at the other end of the room. These are major distractor while study.

Ø  Turn off your Internet access.  Internet may create obstacle while studying complex formulas or other material.  Therefore it is better to turn off internet.

Ø  Inform family members and others for privacy as you are preparing for important competitive examination.

Ø  Get proper sleep to refresh yourself. Good health of students increases concentration on studies. If students do not have proper sleep, they may feel tired and it greatly impact on their studies.

Numerous studies show that candidates maintain their peak focus for an average of 1-2 hours a day. Thus, they may want to be highly productive within those few precious hours. Results reveals that most people focus very well in the late morning. 

Usually, distractions are type of alert that calls attention on to something that could be potentially precarious. They may disrupt study in many forms such as sounds, emotions, wayward thoughts, and circumstances. Luckily, candidates can train their brain to automatically stop them from disrupting them and diverting their focus. 

It has been observed that technically advanced devices create more distraction while studying such as smartphones, I-pads, tablets, laptops and high-speed Internet. Therefore while preparing for competitive examination it is significant to remain away from these gadgets.


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