Bird flu - contagious viral disease

Species on earth bed are facing challenges of infectious diseases from time to time. Bird flu is a contagious viral infection, which can have an effect on all species of birds. Outbreaks of bird flue (avian influenza) have been recognized in poultry flocks in most countries of the world for many years. In modern equipped world, it is a hot topic for laypeople as well as scientist to explore root causes and preventive measure. Flu has been a usual scourge of humanity for thousands of years. Bird flu is a transmittable disease of birds caused by type A strains of the influenza virus. The virus is well adapted to immune systems to animals, and does not usually make them sick. This leaves the animals free to move around and spread the virus - just what it needs to persist. Recent cases of anticipative and intrusive risk regulation include the ill-fated attempt to immunize every man, woman, and child in the USA in 1976 against a swine flu epidemic that failed to eventuate ...