Piercing emotional peril of Blurred vision: Pre stroke indicator

Human lifestyle invites health glimmers along with gloominess. Excessive exercise, heavy mental load and poor food habits hammer our brain. Brain stroke is an emergency health condition that may threaten life. People who undergo stroke may exhibit symptoms like weakness specific to a side of the body and loss of speech or facial control. As per medical science, blurred vision is also an initial symptom of brain stroke. Vision changed are rooted in some neurological causes results in stroke. Sudden blurred eyes may occur due to dry eye or detached retina, transient ischemic attack, or stroke.

In fast moving life, when person unexpectedly experiences vision changes in one or both eyes or blurred vision which can become life threatening condition later. It happens when the brain is not getting enough blood supply and brain cells are injured or die.

Strenuous activities and high adrenaline levels may exert pressure on the eyes, and people feel blurry vision. In blurred vision, immediate medical attention is needed to prevent permanent damage and vision loss. As aged, most of us suffer from blurred vision. Some people resolve the problem of blurred vision without any medical treatment but many people require proper treatment.

In a real case, a person came back after daily walk, did light work at home. When he relaxed and going to watch cricket match on TV, he observed that TV screen was hazy. Then he just tried to see messages on mobile phone, he had experienced blurry vision. He underwent with mental stress and his wife thought it was some severe eye problem. BP was also raised slightly but was not in danger zone. Both were worried. His wife called the eye doctor. Somehow doctor was not available on phone, then she contacted one relative who was homeopathic doctor. Dr. advised that it may be pre stroke symptoms therefore you should immediately take advise from physician. His wife hurriedly contacted local physician. Dr listened to the case patiently and recommends that patient should close his eyes and relax for some time and after half an hour report back to me if situation goes worse further. The patient did the same and after twenty minutes, he was able to see everything normal but felt weakness. After taking rest for few hours, he revived from emergency situation but they visited doctor next day for physical checkup. Doctor told them that it may be pre-stroke symptom, Since BP level was not very high and sugar level in blood was maintained, there is nothing to worry. Doctor advised that my husband should not do strenuous work and do light exercise slowly. Regular BP must be monitored to avoid emergency situation. These episodes of medical illness indicated that blurred eyes may be the sign of pre-stroke and it should be taken seriously. People who experience sudden blurred vision must see the doctor immediately and should be given first aid to save life.

Person who are diabetic or high BP must be cautious when they experience blurred vision. They can make efforts to stay healthy when they follow doctor’s advice. Stroke can be treated with prompt action.

A word of caution:

Blurred vision is the critical medical condition when person cannot assess himself and involve in strenuous activity. This may lead to stroke or serious eyes issue. Attendants must consult physician promptly to get early treatment. 

Important note: Above article is based on personal views of writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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