How solitude can reshape human behavior

Catchword: Short remote living generates self-awareness and develop brilliant cognitive knack

Our planet is heavily enclosed with myriads of digital technologies which engage human minds and not leave much space for relaxing, exploring inner adroitness and caring for personal life. An excellent outlet to refresh our mind and brush up mental toxins is to find some space for solitude.

Solitude, commonly called as social withdrawal in psychological realm, is a state of privacy or isolation in which person invests time to explore self and not to engage in socialization. When an individual assesses his attributes and does not interact with others in society, he may experience pleasure in life and staying alone may boost his personal growth. It has been observed that people who stay alone for a short period of time from busy and hectic schedule may return with extra power and work with enthusiasm. However, solitude may have positive or negative impact, depending on the circumstances but people really find peace when they are self-connected.

Living alone is helpful in several ways. People may develop positive thought process to adapt in drastically transforming life scenarios such as ecological changes or social reforms occurring in society. Some activities in isolation may enthuse person and boost physical aspects of life.

Solitude may be impactful means of mental healing:

Temporary social withdrawal proves to be positive for person and enhance inner prowess. In isolation, some people enjoy doing physical exercise such as jogging, yoga and cycling which directly improves their physical wellbeing. In isolated environment, people may also cleanse their mental clutter and lessen myriads of emotional mayhem that might be hampering work progress.

In adolescent stage, there are visible advantages of solitude and these may continue in adulthood period. Teens want to remain alone to cope up with academic scuffle and reboot peer relations. They will get time to stir their mind and develop positive attitude towards studies and energetically involved in cultural activities.  Spending time on self may develop creative mind. 

Sometimes people overthink and are confident to get success in a given task but in actual journey, they fail to do so. Solitude may offer room to deeply understand the present state of mind and to improve capabilities for tackling upcoming career or personal challenges. In a real scenario, teen aged boy who just completed the higher secondary was very optimistic and had an impression to crack entrance examination for further studies as he had scored high rank in current academic session. Since he was very busy in studies and could not get time for self-exploration and he failed to answer the tough questions in competitive examinations. It was a major setback for him and he became depressed. Here he developed false impression about self. As per the guidance from academic adviser, he started investing more time on self and realized the reasons for his failure. He noticed that advance studies were based on different patterns of study on topics and subjects and he cannot equip his mind accordingly. Another major aspect of his academic letdown was his poor logical approach to attempt the questions. After improving his reasoning power, concentration, attentiveness and understanding the nature of question, he got excellent grade in next attempt in examination. Solitude is the proven way to improve persona of individual.

For software professionals, technical advancements are supportive pillars for accomplishing the targets. Simultaneously, technically packed work environment such as replying project related emails, compulsory presence in video conferencing, uploading data on digital platforms may exert huge pressure on mind and as a result creating cluster of mental and physical snags. To distant from complex environment, professionals can embrace counterintuitive notion like solitude, which may evolve inner feelings, prowess and refresh thoughts to work in new ways. Staying aloof from social media sites, professionals may feel relax and focus on the task which is important in their life.

Another group of society who can be benefitted from solitude is females. They gain spiritual enlightenment and mental rest in isolation. For short time social withdrawal equip female to interplay with hidden thoughts and illuminate pleasant moment of life. Such feelings may generate positivity in females, and they become more optimistic towards life and self-independent to deal with unexpected glitches.

In solitude state, person is not burdened with the demands of others or work overload. He floats in free environment and focus on inner strength to innovate self which results in calming effects. Solitude is healing technique of mind suffering from mental or physical agony. Being alone can augment psychological clarity and enhance emotional stability.

Worse slides of solitude:

When social withdrawal is for long period, it may threaten human survival and lead to numerous physical ailment such as heart disease and stroke, Type 2 diabetes, Depression, Suicidal tendency, Dementia, or early death.

Landing thoughts:

Human mind is highly dynamic and filled with negative or positive thoughts which may shape personality. To diminish the psychological clutter, people need isolation to explore self and regain mental and physical adroitness. Solitude may equip persons to devote time on self and comprehend their inner abilities, reduce emotional syndromes which interfere in chasing major objectives of life. People who live alone for short period may engage themselves to develop self-awareness and boost their self confidence in handling intricate issues in life. Solitude is a magical passage to release toxic episodes and hone mental capabilities to gain success in life. Social withdrawal is a personal vacation from mental crowding triggered by social agents to smoothen mind and body.



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