
Showing posts from June, 2024

Sixth sense of human is the mirror effect of paranormal power

Human insight is a mystic concept and closely associated with the supernatural realm. Sixth sense is a dominant feature of psychic energy embedded in some human brain to predict occurrences of futuristic events. Great power of sixth sense sometimes overlooked by societal folk. People normally find it difficult to believe in the supernatural perceptual instinct of a special individual who hones their knack to develop intuitive intellect. People having the power of Sixth sense may perceive events that are not acquired by the five common senses. Inner sense of a person powered with paranormal guidance can navigate life. Sixth sense arises without conscious reasoning and has profound spiritual bonding. For some professionals, the sixth sense of a person is appraised as a paramount mental function for quick decision-making from the subconscious mind on the basis of prior experiences. Some Individuals are naturally gifted for mental conversation through sixth sense while others excel in

Unravel the richness formula through AI functioned startups

AI startups are a branded approach to intermingle technical twigs of artificial intelligence namely, machine learning algorithms and neural networks into business models to ascend sky-high success. The idea of AI startup is the foundation of affluent business. Technically adroit professionals or computer experts who are desirous to invest in startups must take first step in rigorous research to assess the market conditions, and best use of AI in chosen business stream such as automobile or fashion company. In the voyage of startup business, the adroit team is the key pointer of competing business rivals in an aggressive global market. Retaining talent of employees is challenging but a smart move to blossom the business. AI startups mainly focus on the particular domain where emerging business issues can be resolved with AI powered technologies. Investor’s role is great in establishing AI startups. Under the shed of secure investors and a well-trained team, AI startups can safely be

Psychopathic traits induce bug in mental scaffold to commit series of monstrous crime

Sinful people emanate from an uncivilized society or defective family culture. In any social structure, emotional disturbed individuals or embedded negative traits become ferocious or commit anti-social acts. Psychopathy is a dangerous level of emotional anomalies of individuals who are deficient in sympathy, ethics, and do not have mercy feelings for others. Such perilous features of individuals trigger them to engage in repetitive brutal wrongdoing. Plethora of reports showed that genetic disposition of psychopaths is designed to be emotionally raged and inclined towards criminal acts. Due to immature growth of certain elements of the brain, psychopaths find it difficult to regulate irrational emotional conduct and inability to develop good control over impulsive behaviors. Psychopathic traits thwart society in numerous ways. Though aggression is a common feature of human beings, psychopaths exhibit physically aggressive behavior that harms others in society that is categorized a

Underwater cyber threat clutching the pace of technical innovation

  Digitalization is the startling modernization to connect global people. Internet dependency is of paramount importance for robust business operations and healthy living. Heavy reliance on digital technologies also offers grand avenues for cybercrime actors to intrude the technical system and deceit the users. Undersea cables are the radar of cyber offenders to ruin the internet, steal sensitive data and disrupt the business operations of giant organizations. Undersea cables, also termed as submarine communications cables made up of fiber-optic cables. These cables are placed on the deep-sea floor to transmit the online data to a number of countries. These cables enable users to effectively communicate around the globe via emails, creating webpage, and video calls. Such unique technical progression in this millennium is also enticing to cyber criminals. They keep a wicked eye on excellent technology to crash the system to chase their sinful intention.   Subsea infrastructure such as p

Immerse yourself to reveal the inner thoughts during strong storm

Nature astonishes humans with massive hazardous attacks. Strong storm is a long-lasting wind storm combined with fast moving showers or cloudbursts. When a storm hits, people may experience inner struggle and develop negative thoughts. Emotional turmoil is common in children as well as adults when exposed to the roaring sound of a strong storm.   Major weather swings in surroundings and howling noise of winds and heavy destruction may destabilize mental function. Person who experiences a heavy storm may undergo extreme stress and weaken the immune system especially for people suffering from diseases.  The intensity of storms unfavorably impacts on the thought process, decision making power and inability to protect from typical ferocious sounds in the environment. During the lashing storm, inhabitants are still not able to convey the inner expressions and are so fearful that they do not call for help. They get trapped in extreme weather conditions and feel that life is drowning with w

DNA analysis is the powerful cue in Criminal investigation blended with AI grouped technologies

  In the rapidly transforming digital era, criminal investigation has been remodeled for identification of accused and forensic application to accelerate the process of legal proceedings. Recently with a heap of crime cases, criminal investigation has become a major challenge for forensic experts, investigators and criminal lawyers. When crime is committed, police officers rush to crime locations to instantly comprehend the nature of crime, take critical decisions on the basis of sensitive data and evidences available at the crime scene. After preliminary examination, the critical role of a criminal expert is to retain the evidence, people involved in crime and to formulate a decisive plan for further investigation. Several criminal investigation techniques are adopted by forensic experts to detect the criminals. DNA analysis as a criminal investigation technique emerges as a foolproof and quickly recognizes the accused on the crime scene. DNA analysis is a biological process to iden

Inherent excavation of mind game using Polygraph Test

Crime is growing at cruel speed around the globe which poses fierce challenges to criminologists and forensic experts to resolve the cases and support in legal proceedings. forensic psychologists adopt Polygraph Test as an effective means to crack the intentions of criminals and prove their wrongdoing among copious crime detecting methods.  Polygraph test is a pivotal tool of criminal psychologists to assess certain traits and records several physiological parameters such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity of the offenders. The main principle behind application of polygraph tests in hard core felons is to judge the responses on the basis of physiological changes in the interrogation process. Professional forensic psychologists closely observe the crooks who commit heinous crimes. When misleading answers/ wrong information of offenders exhibit physiological responses, it may be a sign of committing the crime by crooks. These deceptive responses may be distin

Wave of deadly streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: Precautions and preventive measures

Whole world is revived   from the lethal Covid 19 setback but   again facing the threat of novel health hazards of   streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), a fatal infectious disease exploding in Japan and chances of transmitting in other geographical locations also. STSS is a kind of rare disease which is caused by a rare “flesh-eating bacteria” and can infect people so strongly that it kills within two days. Individuals grip under STSS disease when a group of streptococcus bacteria infect the body. Streptococcus bacteria incubate through human contact and airborne droplets. Infected patients do not exhibit symptoms at the initial stage. These bacteria penetrate deep tissues and the bloodstream, discharging contaminants to spread at dangerous speed in the human body. Patients who are infected with STSS exhibit symptoms of fever, chills, muscle aches, nausea and vomiting. After catching an infection, the patient suddenly deteriorates. There are chances of low blood pressure, or

Borrowed brain

Brain is a complex web of neural filaments which governs myriads of mental functions to compete with other fellows in social networks. For some individuals, living is not simple as they grab the mental tactics of advocators or work on advice of so-called intellectuals in their surroundings to outshine in their career or personal domain. People with inept minds may be psychologically unguarded and feeble to crack intricate scenarios in the social or political sphere.   In harsh environmental circumstances, people have to espouse tactful approaches to influence masses. Being considered as brainy to resolve professional anomalies is a natural and false belief for some people. In fact, such typical people adopt occupations in multiple domains that include politics, business, art or education relying on the brainpower of remote experts and lead their life. Due to borrowing ideas or instructions of their advisors, sometimes they land in odd situations and reveal their thoughtless persona a

Psychological diplomacies to enhance the accuracy of eyewitness testimony

 I n any crime situation, statements of the eyewitness are highly important for the progress of the investigation. Eyewitnesses have power to narrate original happenings at crime spots and assist in offering persuasive legal testimony. In simple expression, an eyewitness is the main observer of a crime scene in initial legal enquiry. Eyewitness evidence can immensely impact the process of criminal investigations and courtroom judgements. Eyewitness testimony consists of collecting, storing and recalling the relevant facts about the crime scene. Memories of crime happening involve attention, encoding, short-term memory and long-term memory. Major issue of storing memory is the decay of certain information with time. Sometimes eyewitnesses misinterpret the images, voices and people involved in crime. There is a heated incongruity among legal experts and criminal investigators on the information provided by Eyewitness where crime occurred.  Some professionals support the eyewitness te

AI news anchor: A human destroyer or headway to new world

Generative AI challenges humans in numerous means. Wrapping with glittering technologies to facilitate routine life, AI may be the replacement of humans in the future world. An AI anchor, also recognized as a virtual news anchor or synthetic news anchor is equipped with numerous computer-generated technologies such as natural language processing, speech synthesis, deep learning and computer vision to represent a human voice for reading news in different media channels.  By embedding AI driven technologies in AI news anchors, they can reproduce expressions akin to humans and deliver news in a natural way to persuade audiences. To develop AI broadcasters, technical professionals have to collate relevant data and compile storylines. Next level is to feed the knowledge base and train AI models to best fit for delivering effective speech or broadcasting news in an effective manner. AI news presenters pose a threat for grabbing job opportunities of human anchors up to some extent. It is

AI trained algorithm in headphones is a major breakthrough to filter annoying environmental noises

Environmental noise is infuriating to the majority of people who roam in different places or experience piercing sound at home. Technical scientists are in quest to innovate cutthroat technologies to facilitate the global populace to survive in a comfortable zone. AI-powered headphones are modern age technical innovation led by a team of Scientists at the University of Washington in Seattle which facilitate users to drain unwanted environmental noise and only hear soothing sounds they like in real time. Experts succeeded in their mission to create headphones integrated with an AI system to allow birdsong and drain upsetting sounds as an example. AI technologies are incredible for professionals to explore unique features in wearable gadgets such as headphones especially for people who undergo misophonia in which they get disturbed with ordinary environmental noise. Highly advanced headphones and earbuds offer noise cancellation features to empower users to hear precise sounds. The h