How our karma pushes towards noble life

Karma in human life resonates with actions and reactions. In enriched culture, karma has a dominant impact in present and future living. Spiritually, it is envisioned that karma is closely linked with mental and physical actions of a person and upshots of those actions in life.

With good Karma such as engrossed in prosocial acts may be recorded and added in a person's life script. People who perform moral endeavors may receive positive returns in their bad phase of life. On the contrary, destructive actions may lead to negative outcomes. Principles of karma are well designed by supernatural power and humans are just followers. Their intentional ethical acts are praised and bounce back in terms of   incentives.

Karma is a booster that pushes individuals to embrace the spiritual realm. People are responsible for their bad or good Karma for any action or reaction. People who put their energy in the right direction are more successful and experience pleasure in their life also it keeps away from negative elements.

The birth land of the notion of Karma is India which expanded the creed of religious traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism all over the world. These religious realms recognize the law of karma with unique perspectives. Jainism acknowledges karma as a metaphysical law and a real substance adhered to a person when they conduct various actions in their life. They acclaim that karma is a universal fact which magnetizes the soul of the body. Jainism does not believe rebuff the dogmas of reward, judgment, incarnation and forgiveness. They emphasize the philosophy that a person must be ready for the outcome of their own action. 

Buddhism philosophy signifies Karma as an eternal law. According to their belief, a person is responsible for the births and deaths and the anguish of beings in the causative world. People cannot be liberated from their karma, but they can lessen the detrimental impact through embracing moral deeds. Basically, Buddhism principles of karma accentuate that intentional action of humans has future outcomes. These intentions are linked to phenomena of rebirth. In Hinduism religious dogmas, karma is a strong bonding between mental or physical deed of an individual and the results of following action.\

The doctrine of karma is a complex phenomenon and is reflected differently in various religious literature. Karma is sturdily linked with the moral conduct of a person. Righteous actions of a person set the strong base of living noble life and may change over to rebirth also. “Sometimes, questions are raised among the populace that in spite of engrossing in good conduct such as being supportive, honest to family or in profession and humble to others, people may undergo massive life hitches and sufferings. Here, it can be a moral account that such consequences may be reversible and convert into pleasant outcomes as destined. When a person deliberately harms others for their own benefit, they may invite a cluster of issues in their later life and they should be ready for treacherous consequences which may be irreversible. These bad conducts wreck their life and may infuse into rebirth” (Writer’s view).

From the experience and inner soul sound, karmas have a brilliant horizon. People who embrace premium moral doctrine, sometimes inhale evil conducts of their close ones or others in society. Such a persona has a transparent soul and they become very close to supernatural powers that constantly watch the beings in the planet. These noble people may grip under intense agony most of the life but ending with unimaginable elation. The essence of karma philosophy from a writer's viewpoint is to comprehend the natural ambience, be courteous and perform noble acts to receive a wonderful life in cosmos.

Rewiring the psychological elements of karma:

Karma is a widely discussed theme among intellectuals, researchers and pupils. Karma can leave psychological and supernatural impact on the life of persons. Deeds of individuals lead to natural consequences. Karma is defined in various religious literatures such as Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism in a unique manner.  People who follow a moral path and perform righteous acts may be rewarded and lead joyful lives. Conversely, people with bad endeavors have negative outcomes. Past bitterness deeds will have a dangerous impact on a person's life and present immoral actions may wrap the future of a person in a dark cloud.

Important note:  Above article is created on the basis of experience and environmental inputs. Topic explanation and narrating events are solely expressions of the writer and any resemblance is coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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