Dream Journey to homeland of historic time with existing family

We all remember our ancestors and are curious about their traditions, morals, and living patterns. These feelings and emotions reflect in our personality which makes us blissful. In a sensational and primeval dream journey, I revert back into my ancestral family place with my existing family that was really astonishing and stimulating.

Maybe it was my hallucination or my great parents wanted me to shower their inner blessings, I was on a tour to my native place where my great grandparents nestled and took their last breath. I never saw my great grandparents but we have strong memories of their contribution, their celebrations and support to my parents.

When I rewind my life journey to my teenage period, it was really electrifying to enter into our ancestral home that looked like a palace. All the belongings were ancient, antique and eye-catching, which reminded me of every event of that time. As I was studious and always fond of researching something to create novel ideas for the betterment of mankind, I saw all my books, lamp, pen, postal stamps which were kept in open almirah in systematic manner.  My mother always used to tell me the stories of my grandmother who was bold and best swimmer among her peer group. I envisaged the shadow of her who was roaming in the grand common hall and stuck to the wall to show me the strong roof architecture that was built under her guidance. Slowly, I entered in bedroom that reminded me of my career dreams and chasing for a splendid life partner. With my hubby and daughters, I moved forward to the balcony and narrated a story of teenage enjoyment. We always used to sit in the balcony and study for a long period with a cup of coffee and tea. Here only, I had set my giant goal to shape my career and wait for an exciting future.

In a dream journey to my ancestral home, lastly, I met with my mother (currently no more) who was telling me to take a round of all the rooms, courtyard and terrace of the house to get blessings of your great grandparents. I followed her instructions and took a round with my husband and daughters. All were delighted to see precious traditional things. We were so excited that it could not be expressed in any form.

Our journey to our ancestral home clearly aired a message that we are surviving with the interconnected string of ancestral souls and their belongings equip us to make us mentally elated. The big house structure conveyed the stunning emotive picturesque of olden time that is rare in present scenario. It is really a revolving and heart touching journey that I ever had earlier.

Important note: Above dream narration is the sole expression of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 



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