Wrecking impact of artificial intelligence in creative writing

Technology is upgrading human life and offering shining prospects for job, exploration, soothing workforce and healthy living. Cutting edge technical developments have an intimidating impact on human talent. AI technology is a superb facilitator in a range of areas. It may ease the work and timely complete the various tasks but sometimes degenerate the human brain.  In the writing field, AI can quickly dig out information and convert it into writing format to ease writers. But such data has boundaries. AI collates the facts, develops storylines, puzzles and other writeups that are available in the database. AI cannot create pioneering ideas, and work out on high level imaginative scenarios. 

AI systems generate premium content for company profiles, health articles, business reports, movie reviews on the basis of patterns and algorithms.   AI technology cannot develop content filled with emotions or develop narration to specific audiences. Humans possess the emotional intelligence and wonderfully compose writeup to magnetize a wider audience but AI fails to create such contents due to limited access to information and lack of processing cognitive abilities.  

AI technology is unsuccessful in fact checking in circumstances thus can not create a dominant theme or narration of events. Sometimes, content developed by AI is prejudiced and deceptive that may leave a negative impact on the readers. In technical writing, AI lacks the ability to elaborate precise principles, facts and definitions. 

AI technology used in the writing arena is a serious threat to talented Writers and their job prospects because the majority of companies easily develop AI generated content to fulfill their requirement. The worst sign of wrecking the writing knack of humans is crushing the creativity, making people lethargic to develop complex content. Easy access to AI may attack on all -round development of a person. 

Binding the thoughts:


Artificial intelligence has emerged as a prominent tool with its components of machine learning and natural language processing to revolutionize content development. Writers can conveniently generate content in any field within a deadline. Ai progression has several negative outcomes in writing, it attacks on the creative brains of humans and degrades imaginative power. People may be more reliant on AI generated content, puzzles or other narratives. In this process, they lack some cognitive prowess which may have a ruining effect on future generations. 

Important note: Above article is based on opinion of writer and environmental input.  Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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