Unfolding the facts of Hygiene hypothesis in post pandemic world

Diseases and Pandemic horrify the civilization and wreck the human life at disastrous level. Health care system and government policies are constantly revolutionizing policies to augment the wellbeing of global humans. In order to maintain good physique and mental strength, both individuals and health organizations must collectively work out to shield from deadly infections and life-threatening illness. Covid 19 plague destabilized the whole world and millions of deaths created health alarms among people. In the  post pandemic period, several medical scientists engaged in exploring the profound causes of the explosion of viruses which adversely impacted on the health of individuals.

It is well posited that excessive hygiene and germ-free environment at early phase of life is the common trigger for the outburst of infectious or microbial diseases among people. The dogma of hygiene hypothesis is postulated and revealed that children who are exposed to pathogens at infancy or toddler level may develop a healthy immune system to fight against infectious ailments at later stages of life. Such children can defend themselves from critical illnesses such as asthma and allergies which may hamper their living afterwards.

The topic of hygiene hypothesis emerged after the eruption of COVID 19, a calamitous infectious disease of this millennium. During Covid pandemic, guidelines from WHO and government health services strictly forced people to adopt health hygiene such as hand washing for twenty seconds, social distancing, and wearing masks in social settings and getting vaccinations in order to keep safe and avoid deadly infections. The hygiene hypothesis pulls attention of health scientists especially in developed countries which elaborates that the immune system of children weakens when they are groomed in extreme hygienic and sterile surroundings which may be a key ground of gripping asthma and different types of allergies.

Several reports revealed that cases of seasonal allergy, eczema, or food allergies are exploding in the present scenario. The hygiene hypothesis articulates that in highly protected and good living conditions, children are not exposed to infectious agents and results in immature immune systems to counter the attacks of viruses and other infections. Furthermore, the Hygiene hypothesis expounded that children should not be developed under an overt hygienic environment and normal exposure to pathogens may help in developing a strong immune system to respond positively against the deadly diseases.  

Developed countries are well organized and push people to live in overly clean environments that may lead to greater chances of catching microbial infections. Numerous environmental factors, lifestyle, environmental conditions that affect living of people, and sanitation are the bedrock of the hygiene hypothesis. An excessive sterile environment banishes worms and bacteria in the human physical body at an early stage of life and a person has to compromise immune tolerance when exposed to microbial infection. In nutshell, according to the medical principle of the hygiene hypothesis, parents have to take care of neonates in boosting their immune system through slight exposure of pathogens in normal course to protect from microbial infections for the rest of life.


The hygiene hypothesis theory is a heated debate among health experts and intellectuals suggests that too much protection of children from germs and microbes at infancy stage may develop greater risk of health aversions and autoimmune ailments because intersystem is not well equipped to tackle virus attack on human body. It can be concluded that there is a pressing need to train the immune system at an early phase of life through slight exposure to microbes so that the body can react to harmful substances and prevent from catching autoimmune diseases, allergies or other lethal infections. In essence, using the antibacterial and antimicrobial cleaning agents unnecessary and sterilizing environment frequently may augment the occurrence of autoimmune and severe allergic ailments like hay fever, asthma, eczema. 

Important note: Above article is created on the basis of environmental inputs and personal views of writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. It is suggested to consult medical practitioners for treatment of autoimmune diseases. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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