Be knowledgeable about healthy discussion, argument and unhealthy discussion

People normally interact within a family or social setting which may sometimes be converted into arguments or aggressive conversation. It is always being informed while talking to others to maintain a good relationship. When the tone of voice is soothing, having respect for others who are participating in debate and honor values of participants is considered as a healthy discussion. In such debates, people may have contrasting opinions but they give immense respect to the beliefs and viewpoints of individuals with whom they are conversating.  Healthy discussion has positive outcomes because people calmly listen to the thoughts of others without any interruption, validate constructive policies and are eager to know their contribution in the progress of society. 

Healthy discussions are cool and create an enjoyable ending. Healthy discussion augments the diverse experience, aptitude and understanding that is presented in the group. In official meetings, people who are experienced, matured do not show irate behavior in case of contrasting dialogues. In such meetings, normally, professionals want to clear any query with ease and coolly.  They give opportunities to juniors or other people to present their views on discussion topics. Argumentation has immense importance in ambiguous situation where people have doubts on some concepts of issues. 

In conversation, people sometimes get involved in arguments on heated topics. Such discussions are claims backed by explanations backed by evidence. Argumentation is done in a social setting. Argument is not repeating the same claims and details instead these debates support or modify positions. Argument is basically a dialogue in which two associates may put differing statements and have preferred outcomes. People normally relate arguments with negative conversation. Arguments are a normal process in the workplace or business setup where professionals negotiate on some matters and explore viable resolutions. Individuals do different types of arguments to determine truth on hypothesis such as causal arguments, narrative arguments and evaluation arguments. It is a healthy conversation when professionals use dominant and right words in an argument with their colleagues. 

Unhealthy discussions revolve into power forces and individuals overpower others through dictating his/her dialogue. These discussions degrade one person whereas adoring the other. In poor communication, people use bad words to diminish the status of others. Examples of unhealthy discussions are shouting, expressing dislikes, blaming, using challenges or threats, tagging someone corrupt in personal or official setup. These negative connotations have unpleasant upshots and may harm the image of another person. people may have heated debates on issues. 

Final note: 

It is really important for individuals to know the demarcation between healthy discussion, arguments or unhealthy discussion to clarify the concepts and provide a good solution of issues they are facing in personal or business situations. Healthy discussions are always veer in positive dais.  Arguments are also necessary for getting better results on issues. Unhealthy discussion glorifies one person and dimmish the self-esteem of another person. Good knowledge of these conversations train people to maintain good relations among others. 

Important note: Above article is based on the writer's analysis with environmental inputs. Any resemblance is coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.








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