Unknown supporters


It is theorized in scientific landscape and psychological literature that a child is born with a blank brain and is steadily filled with environmental experiences, knowledge and emotions. Such dogmas have some true glimpses for the infant's brain.


When we revitalize the chain of past generations, it is observed that an infant's genes and brain is not empty, instead the brain is well stuffed with ancestral memories, vast knowledge, habits, and loaded with gigantic data that is invisible at the time of birth. As human children grow, they constantly display a gamut of behaviors, emotional responses and actions that are sometimes strange for elders. It entails that they are shielded and wrapped up with huge strands linked to their ancestors. When children enter into their teens, they clearly exhibit good or bad emotions and have invisible supporters that bless them to lead successful and prosperous lives.


Individuals who adopt family morals and are engrossed in goodness, prosocial behavior may be cherished by strange elements of the whole galaxy such as aliens, entities living in stars. Person’s karma will decide life excellence and how they can step ahead to their next birth. Supernatural power also shields the humans who conduct noble acts in their lifetime.


Emptiness at the time of birth is encumbered with genetic emotional patterns and conduct of ancestors. Children automatically get massive followers and they can constantly include more followers through their principled behavior in social settings.


Last drop: 

Gist of the above dogma about life emphasizes the pivotal role of ancestral deeds to get strong backup in terms of followers. People who conduct good karmas in present life, gain positive energy and utilize ancestral assets to spark noble thoughts in the cosmos to get unknown protectors. 

Important note: Above article is solely based on the views of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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