Destruction may be friendly brand of over restriction


Unmet needs and restriction in family and society is annoying strand for individuals. Human beings have natural desire of particular things, food or other items that are restricted to them. It may reflect in their persona, if they are imposed with over restriction to urge of getting an item or thing is intense. In family structure, parents always wish for huge success of their kids in personal and professional arena. Sometimes, parents impose their rules on kids which may not match with living of their children due to drastic changes occurring in society. Such generation gap may be irritating to children and they feel suffocation and grip into several negative emotions. This may also hamper their all-around development.

Parents or caregivers feel that their success factors will be supportive to achieve giant life goals of kids and get admiration in society. Parental pressure to strictly follow family ideologies, traditions and living standard sometimes hurt their children and leave devastating impact on child’s life and leads to bitter relationships.

Mental health is closely related to severe restrictions imposed by elders or parents in family. It is well observed that restrictions are necessary part of upbringing of children. But setting strict rules and compelling kids to adopt some habits and choices of parents results in detrimental effect on family relationship and mental health of children.

Parents need to comprehend preferences and requirement of current social structure while limiting the children from doing certain activity or developing food or hygiene habits.

A perceptible transformation occurs from one generation to other. Food habits, living style, choices and other social activities changes drastically in new generation. Suppose, if there are excessive food restriction and diet plan is not according to the choice of a children, then they develop greed. Such deprivation may interfere in daily life and in later stage, they may fulfill by adopting poor lifestyle, eating junk foods. It directly impacts on their health and creates addiction to restricted food in long run.

It is really a good effort to embrace transformation in society happily and groom kids within safe environment so that they should develop healthy persona and grab upcoming opportunities of life. Children should be allowed to perform activities of their choice but in liberal way. In diet plan of children who undergo certain ailment, it is good to add some recipes that make them enjoyable. It will sooth cognitive health of children.

Restrictions are not always negative aspect of life. Restrictions are important to control children and maintain discipline so that they may develop moral values to get respect in society. Restriction also provides protective covering from bad influences in environment. With liberal restrictions, children can improve mental awareness, concentration and release negative energies of personality.

Though restrictions on children imparts self-control, family morals, and consideration for others' requirements but excessive or inappropriate parental restriction may trigger array of mental health issues for children as they enter into teens or youth. In later stage, they may grip into several mental syndromes that include depression, anger management problems, physical aggression, delinquency, trouble in maintaining relationships and decline in academic performance. If too much restriction is imposed then children may be more revolting and may effect on their happiness. Unnecessary restrictions may hamper golden opportunities in academic arena and a lack of exposure which may derail their personality.

Parents must enthuse kids by setting some family rules but do not give ultimatums. They should encourage children by praising for activities performed instead of criticizing.

Final thought:

Restriction is envisaged as a negative phrase in human life. It is well accepted by family counselors and professionals that some limitations are necessary in child’s life to develop healthy persona, make them disciplined and keep them safe from dangerous environmental influences. At early stage of life, children are not well equipped mentally to interpret and logically think about Do’s and Don’ts in social environment. Therefore, they should be under protective ring of parents or caregivers to deal with risks and danger of life.

Important note: Above article is created on the basis of environmental inputs. Topic elaboration and ideas are expressions of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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