Calmly tackle the confusion in human relationship


Confused feeling about person may spoil family relations. Calm and polite behavior can assuage the confusing state of person. While dealing with person in confusing state, it is good to motivate him/her to reveal words or feelings with full swing. People in relationship must support confused person with honor and dignity and try to reduce confusing state of person.

There is lot of confusion between persons when they fall in love or relationship. To eradicate confusion, it is necessary to comprehend other person’s feelings, wants and needs regarding love.

Confusing behavior of others can pierce a person but instead of exhibiting anger, it is imperative to become calm and find out the root cause of confusion of other to extend healthy relationship.

People often make assumptions on other’s strange behavior which may upsurge confusion. When assumptions do not work in real scenario, it may result in confusion and make bitter relations. Guessing to somebody’s strange behavior may leave negative impact and lead to confusion. In such situation, meaningful interaction with each other will lessen the confusion and strengthen relationship.

To deal with confused person in relationship, always try to clarify the situation instantly. Sometimes due to confusion, people may develop some ill feelings about the other person. In one real scenario, two close relatives were talking about on past bitter event and blame each other for the negative outcome. One person spoke some unfriendly word that was taken as abusive word by another person and bitterness developed between them due to confusion. Confused person reacted unpleasantly. Then instantly person clarified that his intention was not bad and he always used that word in said scenario or even he did not know the meaning of that word which confused other person has taken.

To stop confusion, try to comprehend the words of another person. But if individual continues to react in erratic manner, mentally destabilize with his/her words, these should not be acceptable and convey the message not to cross the limit. Furthermore, it is advised to set the boundaries for people who create confusion in relationship. As some people deliberately confuse others for own benefit. Such toxic behavior should be discouraged. People must be alert for manipulative behavior and maintain distance. This manipulative talk can be lying frequently, denying for their words, blaming others and ignoring the partner.


Confusing behavior may indicate serious mental syndrome if it is not resolved immediately. Person’s bizarre behavior exhibit that he/she is gripped into severe mental health crisis and need attention of health care specialists. In such condition, try to extend polite behavior to overcome the health calamity due to confusion.

Closing thoughts:

We are in relationship face multiple behavioral challenges. Some people are confused with the reaction of others and make wrong decisions in life that put them in great trouble. Effective and instant communication proves to be best tactics to deal with person having confusion on some relationship matters. Though confusion is normal pattern in maintaining existing relationship or building new alliance, but if not resolved calmly, it can have dangerous upshots. Therefore, clarification on issues that triggers confusion is must to retain healthy family as well as professional bond.

Important note: Above article is created on the basis of experience and environmental inputs. Explanation and events are expressions of the writer and any resemblance is coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.   


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