Nurturing altruistic behaviour to develop healthy society

 In human society, individuals of diverse cultures live together and support each other in any unpleasant circumstances. There are some people who help others in distress but others may not bother about the anguish of people. Moral values must be maintained to spread harmony and peace in society. One of the effective ways to cling to societal members is to encourage altruistic acts. It is a heated question whether people may come forward to exhibit altruism to people in trouble. Since childhood, children are groomed under the hut of parents to learn some positive actions and ethical behaviour in society. Growing children show their behaviours as they might have learned from parents and environment. Entering into teen age, adolescents develop their own dos and don’ts. Altruism is a noble act of a person to offer support to other individuals gripped in agony.

In general terms, altruism is an inner feeling to aid people who are suffering from intense trouble without any self-interest. People who get involved in altruism act are sentimental and release their emotional stress and agony through helping others. People may develop empathy and altruistic feelings through moral teachings from family or nurture from environmental sources therefore they take more care for others who are undergoing pain.  Altruism is basically an internal ethical belief to concern about the good health of others in society.


The concept of altruism is a frenzied discussion among social psychologists and sociologists. Some challengers raised the voice that altruism is not practiced in today’s society. It is a natural instinct and very few people extend their support to sufferers without any monetary or personal benefits.


Some experts explicated that various psychological factors prompt people to behave in an altruistic way. Persons with high moral values and emotionally sensitive intend to support another through self-sacrifice or give monetary benefits to enhance the living of the sufferer. In other words, an individual tries to aid another in need while not expecting any type of pay back.


There are several examples to elaborate the act of altruism. Some people behave in truly altruistic manner. Mother Terresa, a legendary persona who extended her altruistic act in her whole life for the welfare of innocent people who were suffering from illness, poverty and anguish.


There are numerous motivational factors that instigate a person to behave altruistically. People are unselfish to enhance the happiness of another person without any reward such as augmenting the status of women in corporations through upgrading their job. These people are highly empathetic to help others and lessen their pain without any personal gain.  

Sometimes it has been observed in social settings or in the corporate world that few individuals come forward for helping others in unpleasant situations with self-interest. In a highly convoluted global environment, there are people who possess a holy soul and their positive feelings drive them to assuage the aching of others. Driving force behind altruistic behaviour are parental models and social institutional support.


Ending dialogue:


It is a holy feeling to alleviate anguish of others without expecting any reward instead. People are great who behave in altruistic manner for the welfare of society. Altruism is the unselfish act to reduce the feeling of pain of another person without any obvious gain. Though altruistic behaviour is not observed in global society, there are people who retain high moral principles and have empathetic feelings to relieve agony of mass through their altruistic action. They are representative of supernatural entities and landed on earth to provide protective covering to people who are in intense sorrow.


Important note:  Above article is created on the basis of experience and environmental inputs. Topic explanation and narrating events are expressions of the writer and any resemblance is coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement






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