Nightmare blows our mind


Tagline: Disorientation while experiencing nightmare

Dreams have numerous facets which range from blissful and spine-chilling while sleeping. Nightmares are categorically explicated as dreaded or unpleasant dreams which can lead to emotional uproar in person. When people see an evil or bad dream, it is termed as a nightmare. Normally people do not see fearful dreams but occasionally, it occurs while sleeping. If bad dreams disrupt sleep patterns, it has serious repercussions on human health such as impact on waking life. These dreams occur frequently during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. It is the stage of intense dreaming and arises in the second half of the night.

People report a range of events associated with nightmares. It can be displayed in real instance. A teenage girl used to experience terrifying dreams at least once in a month such as she was running constantly to deserted road and someone was chasing her. After some time, she was unable to run and a stalker was coming near to her. Ultimately, she became standstill and finally she woke up. This triggered an anxious feeling in her mind.

At one night, she was to appear in examination next day and due to that she was tensed at bed time. She had a dream around midnight where she saw really a terrible incident in a dream in which her mother was sitting near a deep “well” and was crying loudly. Next moment, someone pushed her mother into “well” and she was struggling to come out, jumping upside down and hitting her hand strongly on water for survival. Her mother came upward from water at least three to four times, and then again immersed in water. She got scared in the dream that her mother would not survive, she started screaming and with that dream was over. She woke up and was very upset for at least five minutes. When she realized that it was a dream then she got relaxed but after that she could not sleep for the rest of the night.

Numerous factors that trigger nightmares include stress, anxiety, improper sleep, medicines and mental health syndromes. Individuals who experience nightmares may be frightened after waking up and fully aware of the occurrence of appalling dreams. They feel distress and anxious and may exhibit some physical symptoms like increased heartbeat or sweating.

It is well found in many cases that nightmares are common among people but if people experience frightening dreams frequently or if it interferes in their sleep cycle then they must seek medical advice. Constant experience of nightmares may result in mental disorders like insomnia or people may have trouble in performing normal day-to-day activities.

Key message through above psychological article:

Positive thoughts and self-analysis to fearful dreams in a logical way can assist people to avert from several mental syndromes caused by nightmares.

Bottom line:

Nightmare is a terrifying and intense dream which leads to many human health hazards. Nightmare is experienced by people in the normal course of life but if these dreaded dreams continue, it may be a cause of worry and people need counselling to overcome mental ailments such as anger, grief, guilt, fear, nervousness, or trauma. Nightmares immensely impact on the lifestyle of individuals. It is necessary to explore the intimidating elements of nightmare and find some good solutions to live peacefully so that it can diminish with time.


Important note: Above article is created on the basis of experience and environmental inputs. Explanation and events are expressions of the writer and any resemblance is coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.  



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