Super foods are trending among all aged people

People breathing in a polluted environment are more health conscious as compared to older generations. Presently, people are fond of super foods to gain full vigor and conduct daily activities smoothly. Super foods have nourishment property to enhance metabolic health and perform multiple body functions. In simple term, super foods are booster for mental and physical growth of individuals.

Superfoods can be eaten to maintain good health, there are varieties of beans such as kidney beans, black beans and soybeans, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, cocoa, eggs, apple, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, different breeds of fishes like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines and green leafy vegetables like kale, collard greens, spinach, cabbage, green mustard, pumpkin, Swiss chard, wheat grass, sea weed, and tomatoes. Other nuts, seeds and grains like chia seeds, cinnamon, almonds, flax seeds, coconut, hemp seeds, quinoa, walnuts and oats can add nutritive value in diet to enhance health of persons.

Superfoods contain antioxidants that can shield the human cells and prevent from deadly diseases such as heart attacks, and cancer. Super foods are rich in minerals like calcium, potassium, iron to stay healthy. Super foods are highly beneficial for all aged people to retain their health, reduced the chances of heart attack, and lessen the risk of cancer. Super foods also contain fiber which can manage diabetes and lessen digestive problems such as gas and acidity. Curd is considered as super food which helps in preventing any infection and improves emotional syndromes. Calcium contained in curd makes bones, skin and teeth strong. Curd produces better results when it is added in breakfast. Another miraculous superfood Amla (Indian gooseberry) is rich in vitamin C and beneficial in treating cough and cold. Peanuts also tops in super foods which contains high level of protein and helps in monitoring cholesterol in human body. Ghee is rich in omega-3-fatty acids and helps augmenting brain functions and keeps heart healthy.


Super foods enhance mood of people to become happy, increases memory power, help in reducing weight, maintain sugar level, and also good for bones and teeth. Other visible advantages of adding super foods in diet are protection of human organs from toxins, lowering cholesterol, and lessen swelling. Superfoods consumed by people on regular basis can be highly helpful for mental strength such as increasing stamina for routine work, stay calm, ability to focus on work, and good sleep.

Though superfoods contribute in developing healthy body, these foods should be taken with combination of other foods for good results. It is well proven that super foods maximize nutritional benefits and reduce calories which can wonderfully improve brain power and overall health of person.

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Super foods are most trending option today for people to transform their lifestyle through eating a highly nutritious food that contain large quantities of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Super foods such as green vegetables, millets, fishes, berries and beans are helpful in dealing with chronic and life-threatening diseases.


Important note: This article is written on the basis of personal analysis and environmental inputs. Information on medical and health is just for general awareness. The intention of writeup is not to provide medical advice or treatment of any disease. It is advised to consult medical practitioner for any health issue.  Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


  1. Great information, we should make this dietary changes in our life. 😊 - Samriti


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