
Showing posts from 2019

Get rid from Tokophobia: fear of pregnancy

Tokophobia is not familiar to general public but it is experienced by pregnant women who sometimes do not express their inner feeling to their family members. In psychological language, Tokophobia denotes to an extreme and irrational fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women are highly scared and nervous about child birth because it changes their body as well as lifestyle. But for the women who suffer from tokophobia, the nervousness surrounding labour can be enfeebling. Primary tokophobia may have its beginning in adolescence, affecting female up to such an extent that some women never bear a child. This terror has led women to avoid pregnancy for fear of dying, despite their desire to have children. Many of these are never relieved by this fear. Secondary tokophobia may be linked with past traumatic birth experience like stillbirth, termination of pregnancy, and an obstetric event such as unexplained stillbirth or delivery of a malformed child. Major symptoms ...

Importance of Cluster computing in business world

The spurt of the internet and diverse e-business applications has stalwartly affected virtually all IT companies. Sometimes applications require more computing power than sequential computers can offer. An effectual way to deal with such technical issues, it is imperative to augment operating speed of various components of computers such as processors. A feasible and lucrative solution is to connect multiple processors together and synchronize it. With the advent of information and communication technology in modern era, cluster computing has revolutionized the companies and has great influence on customers.  Cluster computing was evolved in the 1960s by IBM as a substitute to link huge mainframes to offer cost effective form of technical system. A computer cluster is a pool of closely combined computers that work together efficiently and visualized as a single computer. Key components of clusters are generally linked to each other through fast local area networks (LAN) wit...

Effective counselling for senior citizens to cope up with drastic changes in life

It has been well observed that management of elderly folks is quite challenging and complex because there are numerous changes occur in the life of senior citizens.   These changes may grip senior citizens to experience anxiety or depression.   Some physical vicissitudes also degrade their life like slowing down of physical activity, weak eye sight, hearing or dealing with chronic illnesses or pain.   Social changes can also affect senior citizens mental health.   Major mental threatening condition foe senior citizen is the loss of a spouse, other family member or close friends.   In such conditions, adjustment is very nerve-wracking. Therefore, counsellors are more involved in offering good psychotherapeutic techniques to make life of senior citizen better. Simply stating, the main problems of the senior citizens are health problems, financial problems, poverty, addiction, social exclusion, retirement, the ageism, abuse. Senior citizens are at ...

Challenges and coping strategies of Huntington's disease: Progressive brain disorder

Huntington's disease (HD) is a kind of brain disorder which occurs due to defective gene. This disease leads to changes in the central area of the brain, which impact movement, mood and thinking skills of person. Major symptoms of Huntington's disease typically visible between ages 30 and 50, but they can appear as early as age 2 or as late as 80. Mainly symptoms of Huntington's disease are uncontrolled movement of the arms, legs, head, face and upper body. Person suffering from this disease also show decline in thinking and reasoning skills such as memory, concentration, judgment, and ability to plan and organize. Brain alterations in person due to Huntington's ailment leads to changes in mood, especially depression, anxiety, and uncharacteristic anger and irritability. Other common symptom is obsessive-compulsive behavior. Psychiatrists conduct a diagnostic genetic test to confirm this disease in person such as brain imaging test. In neurological investi...

Maintain work life balance through wise planning

A ‘work life’ balance is an ability of personnel to maintain a healthy balance between their work roles, their personal responsibilities, and family life. Presently, corporations are progressively recognizing the significance of helping their employees to attain this balance because as employees have more conflict between their work and personal roles. Clash between employees and work commitments augment stress. Another factor which create trouble in work life balance is the shifting landscape in work environment. Today in cutting age competition, most of the companies adopt advanced technology and move into globalization and task of employees is not limited to specific region.   Personnel can work from any location with technical mechanisms like laptops, tablets, and smart phones. Software engineers can access work emails and assignments 24/7. Though technical modernization offers sparkling benefits, and flexible working pattern, still it can pose the risk of distorting...

Discover reverse gear in life to fulfil unexecuted ambitions

Ambition are basically a strong desire to attain success, power, or wealth. The main aim of person in life is to chase his/her dream, because an ambition can be linked with a dream. In early stage of life, individuals face number of problems and their dreams are not satisfied. The reasons may be lack of experience, knowledge, fund scarcity, or sometimes due to not getting social appreciation. Therefore their ambitions are not fulfilled which result in emotional disturbance and many times may create sorrow and dullness in life. People who could not get chance to realize their ambitions in early stage of life may work out at later stage and try to chase those unfulfilled ambitions with resources available and through rich experience of their life. These ambitions may be like participating in music concert, organizing business conference, celebrating giant parties on special occasions. In a lively instance, a female approaching to late 50s was enthusiastic for celebra...

People exploited my honesty

Honesty reflects true human nature, high level principles, strictness and good character. Honest people are truthful, trustworthy or genuine and stick to their belief. In any society, people like honesty in affairs because such persons are authentic, caring and they show maturity. Truthful persons do not try to gain popularity instead they follow their philosophies. It is highly difficult for honest people to survive in corrupt society and they are exploited up to extent that their existence may be threatening or challenging. Though honesty is a good leadership quality but still such individuals have to suffer a lot in their life. I grew up in nuclear family holding firm beliefs and adopting high life principles. It is natural that life has ups and downs and we cannot have smooth path to chase our dreams or objectives. Since childhood I was very simple, have altruistic behaviour and tried to be good to others but people surrounding me were not reciprocating the same. I di...

Social networking sites are strong medium for advertising of new brands

Social media is emerging as a great platform for promotion of business in global market. Facebook and Twitter, combined with the vastness of their user bases and their extended reach, have redefined the way new brands communicate with their customers. In business world, there is neck to neck competition among companies therefore marketers try to reach wider range of consumers through different channels. Social media serves as an excellent corridor for promotion of merchandize.   Through social media, companies can generate more business but also connect with targeted customers. Foe new and emerging brands, social media advertising is highly fruitful because it can be economical and generate huge customer base around the globe. Company managers can reach targeted consumers to augment sale of branded items. Social media marketing also enhances brand awareness. It also increases responsiveness. Social media facilitates the customers to give and receive feedback in timel...

Impact of datafication on industry

In this millennium, businesses are sprouting at unparalleled rate. The major grounds for such growth is modern technology using data. Data is highly important for business operations.   The accelerated of rising data is prompted by extensive use of mobile devices, BYOD policies and the affordability of sensors. At focal point, datafication is the practice of revolving several aspects of life into data and altering it to create value. Datafication relates to the use of digital technologies to unembed the knowledge associated with physical objects by decoupling them from the data linked with them. With reference to business operations, datafication is performed in organization with the use of tools, technologies and processes to extract data and eventually augment business objectives.   Nearly, all industries actively use datafication process to improve their process. With data, companies can be tracked, monitored and finally optimized. This will assist busine...

Ways to conquer shyness

Emotions are integral reflection of human behaviour. Shyness is one of the emotions that people exhibit in social situations, at work or in school environment. It may affect their personality if it is intense and interfere with life success.     In psychological reference, shyness is the propensity to feel awkward, worried or tense during social happenstances, especially with unacquainted people. In such conditions, shy people may show some physical symptoms like blushing, sweating, a beating heart or stomach problems. They may develop negative feelings about themselves; worries about how others think about them and have a tendency to withdraw from social communications. It is well observed majority of people feel shy occasionally. But shyness is severe in some people and it hampers in social interaction. It may have dangerous consequences in social relations. There are effectual strategies to lessen shyness in social situation. Firstly, it is imperative to de...

How beneficial a Genetic testing for people

Genetic testing is a kind of medical that detects variations in genes, proteins and chromosomes. The results will display whether persons have a genetic disorder, are at risk for developing one or passing it on. Genetic tests fare used for several reasons. These include -Diagnosing genetic diseases in unborn babies - To know whether people carry a gene for a disease and might pass it on to their children -Screening embryos for disease -Testing for genetic diseases in adults before they cause symptoms -Making a diagnosis in a person who has disease symptoms -Figuring out the type or dose of a medicine that is best for a certain person. Genetic tests are performed by taking samples of saliva, blood, hair, skin or tissue. The three methods of genetic tests are molecular, chromosomal and biochemical. Molecular genetic tests (or gene tests) study single genes or short lengths of DNA to identify variations or mutations that lead to a genetic disorde...