Consequences of unsafe patient handling may be hazardous

Medical revolution has increased the life expectancy of humans. Presently people are more health conscious and follow health guidelines recommended by medical practitioners with the spurt of advancement in scientific researches. Today people are more confident about health conditions and relax if they experience serious diseases because there are treatments available for even severe illnesses. With the exponential growth of medical experiments and availability of treatment for deadly diseases, there are several challenges in the realm of health management. One such issue is unsafe handling of patients after treatment of critical operations or diseases.

Sometimes para medical staff unknowingly ignore the patient and do not adopt appropriate techniques while lifting, transferring, repositioning and moving patients or handling equipment. Such carelessness at the end of nurses or other staff may have serious health issues such as musculoskeletal injury like chronic back pain. patient handling tasks after critical operations are risky and require proper care in order to avoid further health problems that may degrade the life of the patient. Health care providers must be cautious while shifting patients from toilet to chair, transferring from chair to bed, transferring from bathtub to chair, moving from side to side in bed, lifting a patient in bed.

It is not only the responsibility of paramedical staff; attendants need to be attentive in case of serious patients while transferring from one place to another or taking for medical tests after operations. Attendants can inform paramedical staff about the present health condition of the patient in case of relocation.

Proper handling of patients is gauged as successful operation of critical diseases. Paramedical staff must be trained to take care of patients according to the treatment given in order to avoid further health risk.


Patient handling after critical treatment is highly important for speedy recovery and control of other diseases. Post operative care can be given by trained medical staff otherwise mishandling may put the patient at high risk. Unsafe handling of patients after operation such as transferring from the operation table to bed, giving food or taking patients for a bath may result in injury or other severe muscular pain. Both medical staff as well as attendants are required to observe the health status of patients and effectively communicate while handling patients.



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