Cloud seeding: Experiment or beneficial procedure to improve air quality in polluted regions

Whether modification is an effective practice to enhance human living and stay healthy. In highly polluted regions, where air quality index threatens human health, cloud seeding may be the viable option to clean the atmosphere and augment life of living creatures.

Cloud seeding induces artificial rain that enhances the cloud's ability to make rain or snow, along with controlling weather hazards that can be dangerous for species on earth.  According to scientists, Cloud seeding can be helpful for weather modification in polluted areas. In simple terms, Cloud seeding consists of dispersion of chemicals that include silver iodide over the clouds for rain to happen. In the cloud seeding process, clouds are inoculated with salts like silver iodide, potassium iodide, sodium chloride, or dry ice, which is symbolized as the "seed". These salts are disseminated to provide extra nuclei from more cloud droplets that depend on the temperature conditions within the clouds.

Main purpose of cloud seeding is to settle down toxic air pollutants through rain. Dark aspect of cloud seeding is the use of several chemicals that may be harmful to living species, people, and results in abrupt climatic patterns such as creating drought conditions where can may occur. This may be because of adopting the artificial process of adding chemicals to the atmosphere to stimulate rain.

When air quality index is worsened due to human activity such as excessive use of diesel generators, producing industrial waste or vehicle smoke. These pollutants can choke the environment and lead to deadly health conditions. Consequently, scientists can recommend cloud seeding as an effective procedure to induce artificial rain to modify the weather conditions. Cloud seeding technology is intended to clean toxic smog in the atmosphere with rain for the survival of inhabitants.

Quick review: The world is facing challenging climatic patterns that negatively impact on the health of people, animals and other species. War, human actions are major causes of creating poisonous climatic conditions.  To resolve such grave conditions, scientists propose clouds as a potential solution to purify atmospheric air and an effective tool to save humans living in hazardous conditions. Cloud seeding is a technical procedure of weather modification through forming larger water droplets and inducing artificial rain which can augment human life.


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