An elderly female travel passion that is the catch light for the global readers

Tagline: Travel passion of disc operated elderly female 

This true story rewired my brain nerves that were dented, in a disastrous road accident in my early thirties. As a consequence, my L5 s1 disc of spine was prolapsed and did not resume into its original shape. Neurosurgeon extracted the affected disc without replacing it with an artificial disc. After that my life was totally disturbed. I had gone through the worst phase of managing routine life with lots of health precautions, Still, I never gave up and had a fervor to travel numerous spellbinding places to increase the horizon for researching novel beads of nature and sharing with people to augment their persona.

On a visit to Mount Rainier, the highest volcanic peak in the adjoining United States, I climbed on rocky and jagged hilly walk paths to experience grander scenes covered with glaciers and other geological features. Reflected as a jewel of Washington State, I was fascinated to witness the heavenly natural magnificence of a world class tourist destination.  I faced numerous hurdles in climbing due to spine operation. I had trouble trekking up a steep hilly path. On the way, I took the support of a strong stick to ride further. That was also very risky as there were chances of foot swing in stepping up. Due to the rush of other travelers, I was worried about being hit by them. At some point, I gave up. It was my daughter who encouraged me at every pace of the expedition.  During that exciting tour, my daughter arranged nutritious meals and extended her support to climb the high hilly path. Scenic view of Mount Rainier allured me to continue my travelling mission. Another key challenge in the Mount Rainier trip was shaky weather. Wind was blowing at a roaring speed which made the trip very difficult. For elderly people, the weather was not conducive. So, sometimes I sat on rocky stones on the way but my will power stirred me to override travel challenges.

Half way up the hilly path, I was fascinated to collate wonderful details of landscape, and able to chase the difficult mission. In this vibrant trip, I met a very affectionate American elderly couple who enriched my brain with valuable information about culture, dining patterns and mindset of the local populace. My enthusiasm continued to dig out magnificent natural assets. Wild flowers beautifully roofed the slopes mesmerized me to record golden moments in my life book. As a traveler, I found myself in natural paradise. That adventurous journey bombarded creative ideas in my brain to outrival my writing prowess. In the same travel tour, I also voyaged to Niagara fall. Though I got scared about her restricted health conditions, I was eager to experience adventure so I bought a ticket for The Maid of the Mist boat tour in Niagara Falls.  After wearing a souvenir rain poncho, I boarded the double-deck and the boat ferry was on the basin of Horseshoe Falls. That was really scary as I felt ups and down in the roiling waterfall whitewater and enormous rock formations. In such a fierce environment, I felt the tickling when the cruel speed of water showered my body. My body was numbed and I felt amazing to see the natural splendor of Niagara fall.  Being a disc operated, I never thought to evade such challenging trips but spectacular natural beauty. Daring and grandeur tourist destinations always inspire me to visit and extract unique elements of natural composition that can be a healing gift for human species. 

With regard to females, traveling is a blissful feeling. It was true in my case. I was really enthralled to travel to such magnificent places and my health condition did not create hurdles because my confidence level was at pinnacle during sightseeing. I could not meet with any medical symptoms such as tingling or pain in my spine due to traveling to stunning destinations because I was in a comfort zone. I was totally immersed in new surroundings, witnessing the mesmerizing natural creations and sparkling greeneries that turned my mind into a new planet. Travelling enticement gradually moderated my emotional anguish and enhanced cognitive functions even with age. I was able to develop complicated projects that I never thought of completing impeccably. Touching the ladder of elderly stage, I am still an avid visitor to fascinating tourist destinations. In my tourism trips, an extraordinary feature is the grand celebration with foreign tourists who gave me extreme level affection, honored my professionalism, and prayed for the chasing mission of my life that was memorable moments. 

The essence of the above inspiring and true storyline is that health hazards are challenging for people, nonetheless their passion has immense power to overcome glitches of life. I gained empowerment in travelling through nurturing independence, boosting confidence level, and felt triumph in my life. It equipped me to cope up in unacquainted circumstances, take bold decisions when met with any health hazards and increase mental stamina to wisely tackle future life threats. 


Important note:  Above story is based on the writer's experience. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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