Emotional engagement of personnel is a keystone for technical innovation

Human emotions release superpower rays to revolutionize the business, social and natural landscape of the planet. In the business realm, strong emotional bonding between employees and their work creates a sense of responsibility, preparing inspirational podium to exploit their talent and step ahead to face any challenges in the company. Emotional engagement among the workforce is the powerful scaffold for high yield and enhances brand presence in the global marketplace. In the fast paced technical world, corporations must emphasize the soothing emotional environment among employees to be more creative to drive innovation. The most commonly used emoticons in business settings include Comfortable, Satisfaction, Enthusiastic, Frustration, Stress and anxious. Positive emotions that can engage employees are calm, energetic , excited, happy, joyful, peaceful, relaxed. In business discussion, the team also negatively reacts on some issues. Negative emotions suc...