Natural characteristics of Wild animal: Hyena


Wild life in dense forest aids to balance ecosystem and is full of daring animals that may be challenging for humans. Among them, hyena is most frightening carnivore mammal. These species are grouped into four types namely spotted, brown, and striped and aardwolf. Spotted hyenas are the biggest and aggressive among all types of hyenas. They have outstanding night-time vision and hearing. In other categories of hyena, there are striped manes on top of their neck that stand upright when the hyena is terrified.

Their physical characteristics are akin to wild dog. These mammals are mainly belong to different parts of Asia and Africa. Currently, hyenas are restricted to the African Savannah. Hyenas are flesh-eaters in Africa and normally exist in grasslands, forests and sub-deserts. Key physical attribute of hyena is that this mammal has the very strong jaws among wild animals.

When assessing emotional and intellectual abilities, Hyenas are highly intelligent raiders, and acumen level is matched with apes. Brainpower of Hyenas can be shown in their hunting methods in which they protect themselves from hunters. Hyena’s communication power is efficacious. They exhibit various postures, sounds and signals to converse with each other. They have speciality to make cackling laugh to alert other members in searching food sources from three miles away. The way they make laugh or sound indicate their age. Hyenas are social mammal and live in clans that include approximately 80 members. Females have dominance over male Hyenas.

Since hyena species are carnivores, they are smart to collect meals of kills by others animals. Hyenas are meat eaters and hunt several small animals and birds in their diets like porcupines, wildebeest, antelope, hippos, birds, jackals, lizards, fish, snakes, foxes, eggs and insects. Hyenas kill the animals for food in clans.

Regarding giving birth to baby, Hyenas mating process in done outside of the clan. Female Hyenas deliver two or three babies after three months of gestation period. These babies are known as cubs. Mothers nurture cubs in clan and bring food for them in den. Cubs drink mother's milk for the first six months and cultivated for over a year. At the age of around two years, the cubs become mature and they are prepared to leave den. Hyena’s life is around 10 to 21 years.

Endanger to Hyenas. These mammals are gripped in threatening situation presently due to agriculture. Hyenas are often killed by farmers. It is serious matter of ecosystem that their populations is constantly decreasing due to Human’s malpractices like poaching. Hyenas are also hunted for traditional medicine materials.

Final word:

Landing on the destination, wild animals have pivotal role to shield nature from pollution. Hyena extend huge support to retain greenery in the ecosystem and help in cleanliness. This dog resembling animal is strong and brilliant. Hyenas also contribute in controlling the population of forest. Hyenas have good intellectual ability to hunt animals for food in clans.


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