Brainpower of blue whale: Marine mammal

In ocean, humans can explore numerous wonderful species. Blue whale has immense recognition as an intelligent marine mammal on the planet which weighs approximately 200 ton. The heart of blue whale is equivalent to the size of a Volkswagen Beetle. These mammals are omnipresent in oceans of world and often swim in small groups or alone.


Blue whale is colossal sea animal. It is exemplified by some experts that whales have huge body as compared to dinosaurs. Other professionals assert that whales are brainy among sea animals. They behave in intelligent manner. These stunning mammals have adeptness to learn fast and use knowledge to cope up in strange or puzzling circumstances. Whales are capable to think conceptually and very good communicators. These unique species converse in groups using lovely lyrical sounds. Their voice is very loud and can be heard at a distance of several miles. Research data has demonstrated that whales have about 20,000 acoustic watts of sound at 163 decibels which is slightly lower than internal sound pressure of an outsized airplane turbine motor.


In numerous situations, people have observed that whales exhibit high level of emotional and social intelligence. Their brain is very huge. Whale Males are named as bulls and females are cows. Their offspring are called calves.


To hunt food, Whales are known as killers. They eat microscopic plankton as well as big fishes. Whales are so large that they put plates of baleen in its mouth to strain huge number of small prey, including small shellfish and krill. Typical quality of these mammals are that they are very cognizant breather and decide when to breath. Whale’s sleeping pattern is different as they do not remain in unconscious state for longer period of time. It is assumed that one hemisphere of their brains naps at a time, therefore whales are never absolutely slumbering. Whales have tendency to stay alone but some species live in clan or social groups. It is found that blue whales do not live in the shells. They are found in the Mediterranean and the Arctic.


Blue whales are threatened by humans as from several years, people have hunted for their blubber and oil. This leads to slowly extinction of species. But commercialization of whales is not banned and it is not menace to species. Humans also have danger from whales as they can strike on ship also.


 Final note:

Blue whales are gigantic marine mammal with big heart. These species are longest-lived animals on planet. Their brains are most sharp among mammals. These mammals have excellent understanding power in challenging situations. They have smart communication ability and make sweet and lyrical sounds. Overall nature is equipped with dazzling and brainy species which can be alluring to humans and tourists through their intelligent activities.


  1. This is very informative article. Thanks a lot for posting. 😊😊


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