Monkey pox: Emerging health threat to humans

Monkeypox is an uncommon medical syndrome akin to smallpox. It happens due infection with the monkeypox virus. Infected rodents such as rats, mice and squirrels can spread monkey pox to humans.  Earlier, this was spread in African continent but more recently it has outbursted in several countries the world.

 Patients infected with monkeypox exhibits array of symptoms like muscle aches, fever, headache, back pain, low energy, and swollen lymph nodes. People also show signs of rashes on their face, palms, soles of the feet, eyes, mouth, throat, groin, and genital and/or anal regions of the body which remains two to three weeks. Lesions in the body range from one to several thousands. Firstly lesions begin flat, and then liquid is filled in these cuts before they dry up and drop with a fresh layer of skin forming beneath. These symptoms subside with supporting care. Patients get recover with medicines for pain.

People get infected with Monkeypox when they come into contact with an infected animal or a person. It can be spread from Animal to person through broken skin, such as bites or scratches, or through direct contact with blood of an infected animal’s bodily fluids or sores. Person to person infection of Monkeypox virus is rare. It can grip persons when they come closure with the sores, scabs, respiratory drops or oral fluids of a plague-ridden person in situations such as hugging, kissing or sex. Monkeypox can be transmitted to humans through contaminated materials such as clothing, bedding and other linens of an infected person or animal. Monkeypox is differentiated from other poxes through swollen lymph nodes.

 Diagnosis of monkeypox is performed by health care specialists by taking tissue sample of an open sore and these samples are sent to labs for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. Blood test of infected person is also done to confirm for the monkeypox virus.

Treatment options are not available to cure this medical condition. But infection can go off with immune system of patients with in two to three weeks. 

Preventive measures: Monkey pox can be curbed through generating awareness and educating among people about its transmission, symptoms and consequences. Health experts recommend numerous preventive techniques for exploding monkey pox in community such as persons should not use any materials, such as bedding from infected patients. It is recommended to isolate infected patients from others and maintain proper hygiene when come in contact with infected animals or humans. It is advised to frequently wash hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. People need to avoid sleeping on floor as it is a high risk factor for spreading infection.  Nurses, attendants and medical staff must use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to handle patients. Some news sources specified that people must avoid cosmetics like cream, lotions made from African regions materials.

Bottom line:

To encapsulate, monkey pox is transmitting rapidly at global level. Numerous researches have indicated that monkey pox spread in human population via interactions with infected wildlife animal and by eating or handling bush meat. Since treatment options are not available, patients have to manage self and it goes off with time.  Preventive actions such as hygiene and isolation can lessen the impact of Monkey pox. Though it is not threatening still medical attention is needed to subside the symptoms and better health care.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information and personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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