Strange fear of people: Trichophobia

In human life, there are lots of things that trigger terror. One such frightening experience of person is from hairs. It is denoted as Trichophobia.  Trichophobia is a dreadful feeling of hair. People with Trichophobia cannot stand the sight or feeling of loose hairs on the head, outfit, pillow, furniture. They have fear for both human hair as well as animal hair and fur. People with this phobia do not just fear hair, but they also have fright of hair growth, hair colour and hair ailments.

Prime causes of developing Trichophobia:

Trichophobia may occur all of sudden or develop slowly over time. Major cuase of Trichophobia is stress or anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder.

Major signs of Trichophobia

People experience physical or emotional symptoms when griped in trichophobia. Major physical symptoms include increased heart rate, dilation of pupils, sweating, hot or cold flashes, increased blood pressure, difficulty breathing, shaking, dizziness or light-headedness and nausea

Emotional symptoms showed by patients include anxiety or panic attacks, an overwhelming need to escape situations that cause fear, feeling a loss of control, feeling helpless, feeling detached from yourself and feeling of die.

Treatment techniques of Trichophobia:

It is advised to visit a licensed mental health professional when person complains for Trichophobia. Powerful techniques to treat this phobia are cognitive behavioural therapy and exposure therapy. Cognitive behavioural therapy will give confidence to thoughts and feelings of patient. Exposure therapy provides repeated exposure to a feared object or situation. Through exposure, experiencing different thoughts and feelings associated with fear may help patient to come out from phobia and explore techniques to manage it.

Preventive measure and coping skills of Trichophobia:

Individuals who experience ridiculous feelings of apprehension must seek advice from mental health practitioners. Professional treatment can help patients to get rid from trichophobia. Tit is not recommended to escape from dreaded situations in order to cope with trichophobia.

Wrapping up the facts:

An individual suffering from trichophobia has a constant fear of hair, mainly seeing or touching loose hairs on the body, clothing, or elsewhere. This phobia erupts as a result of stress or anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions. Trichophobia can be treated through medications as well as combination of psychotherapies.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information and personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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