Maintaining Organic garden to save human life and develop eco-friendly environment

Organic gardening is a novel phrase in the arena of environmental research. The expansion of organic culture enhance the production system. Agricultural scientists, scholars and intellectuals are more inclined to perform research and emphasize in developing organic garden to reduce environmental pollution. In organic garden, ranchers use natural compost and manure to fertilise and cultivate plants and flowers. In a zest of creating eco-friendly environ, growers do not sprinkle any harmful chemicals or pesticides and develop healthy plants. Today, in highly polluted environment, organic gardening is really natural cultivation in contrast to gardening that uses pesticides and other chemicals.

Through organic gardening, farmers can get their share from the earth as well as reserve it for future generations. It is very safe as it also does not damage the soil, the habitat or the environment. Researchers realize that organic gardening is a potent procedure to protect the planet. This is the driving force for many agriculturist to step forward for organic gardening. If people grow fruit and vegetables in organic process, it will help to make them healthy.

Several challengers raise concern that it is time consuming, and it takes unnecessary effort to know about different creatures but the advantages of organic gardening overshadow the drawbacks.

As a layman, we must know the advantages of developing organic gardening.
-       In organic gardening, no chemicals and pesticides are used. In this way, home-grown fruits and vegetables are safe for people to consume.
-       Growers use natural compost which keeps the soil in good condition.
-       Growers can make their own compost from garden and kitchen waste.
-       People can also develop their own organic garden. For preparing manure, people can mix some cow dung or natural compost in the soil. Mix the soil thoroughly and cover the holes in the box with small wire meshes or very small pebbles so that the sand or soil does not get in and block the drainage holes. Put the mixed soil in the box.

From health viewpoint, Organic gardening is beneficial exercise to put elderly people on very low risk of various severe medical ailment such as diabetes and heart attacks. This method of gardening also offers people to stay close to nature and refresh them. Organic farming aids to conserve water because of no chemical is used in cultivating plants. It can also avert nitrogen leaching and makes soil rich in nutrients. In essence, organic gardening shield environment from toxic substance.

In wrapping the dialogue, it is well settled that organic gardening is a protective and healthy effort to create clean and green environment. Organic gardening is basically cultivating fruits and vegetables without the use of pesticides or fertilizers. Prime intent of the gardener is to give to the nature what he gets out of the nature.


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