Reverse aging tips for people entering to middle age

Time is a major factor in human life that enables them to keeps on changing and step up from one stage to another in lifecycle that is jumping from children into young adults and evolving from parents into old grandparents.

At the dusk of lifecycle, many people embrace aging as wonderful and exhilarating facade while for others, it may develop anxious feeling about health deterioration, loss of earning or fear of death. It is a pleasant sound echoed by many scientist that aging can be arrested or controlled through changing lifestyle along with positive attitude.

Though we cannot step back in our life physically but we can reprogram it through our life experiences, immense explorations and past events.

Besides healthy attitude towards life, diet, exercise and proper sleep help in slowing down the aging process. Wrinkles and sagging skin is the first major sign of aging process. It can be reversed through taking proper balanced diet and include seasonal fruits, and vegetables in diet. Some top food that reverse aging are broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower,  kale, and Brussels sprouts. People who are entering into middle age must make choice of eggs which is the rich source of protein and decrease inflammation in the brain and there are lesser chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Many Researchers found in their studies that low calorie intake lower the risk of age-related illnesses and increases chances of living more.  

Exercise is another effectual way to reverse aging process. Flexibility training, balance exercises, stretching, and yoga keeps human body to become agile and make strong to prevent from any injury. Regular monitoring of weight is also necessary to delay aging process.

Taking good care of skin also prevents aging. Best process of reversing aging and tightening skin is exfoliation. It is a natural process that eradicates the oldest dead skin cells on skin’s top layer. With age, this process gets slow and causes a dry, rough, or dull appearance. Exfoliating treatment once in a week enhances the quality of skin cells and help in regeneration.

It is advised to avoid Sun Exposure. UV rays may quicken process of aging.


Proper sleep is healthy way to look younger and avert aging process.

It is imperative to curb mental aging:

It is a cognitive decline when people grow older. With age, risks for cognitive deterioration intimidate independence and quality of life for elderly group and offers intense challenges to their health. Maintaining strong social connections may help to lessen cognitive aging that can give birth to numerous irreversible mental ailment such as dementia.

In reprogramming aging, proven formula is to engage oneself in some mental actions and people must be physically active. In India, Super star Amitab Bachchan and yoga guru, Baba Ramdev are live example of controlling aging process. But normally, it is argued that these are elite personalities and they have excellent resources to maintain their mental and physical health.

Reversing aging looks like a superficial thing for some critics as they have an idea that their body will continue to deteriorate as they grow older. But here reverse aging can be affirmed through an example of dynamic female whose business was clay pot making. She had her hut in neighbouring area of my house. She lived with her family including son, daughter in law and their kids. All were doing clay pot making business and sell varieties of clay utensils to market as well to nearby colonies.

Head female was reaching to her eighties but she never gave up her routine activities that she did in her thirties. She used to wake up early in the morning, after having bath she offered prayer and had some eatables like fruits and cereals. Then after 15 minutes, she was engaged in doing her clay making work such as sifting clay, making clay dough with legs. Sometimes, she also made creative clay pots. Then she used to keep all wet pots under sunlight to dry. This is also a tiresome physical exercise. It usually took 4-5 days to dry. Her physical effort was really a great inspiration for me and other youngsters. At the same time, she had good liaison with neighbours, business people and her clients in society. I often visited to her place to buy some Goddess made of clay for religious purposes and in every visit, I felt that she had set an example of healthy women and beaten the aging through her great cognitive ability, gaining physical strength from rigorous exercise and broadened social network through her ever smiling face, offering quality clay products and above all retaining human ethics to give free pots to poor people during special occasions.

I heard her death news when she was in late nineties and people were amazed that she suddenly left corporeal world in one morning without any serious illness and the day before her death, she did all routine work. It is really motivation for people who are growing old and fear that they may grip under severe diseases in old age. It is highly important to enhance cognitive function and develop ardent desire to reverse aging. Some good initiatives can avert age related problems whether mental or physical.

Some people may raise queries that clay making women had a business and she was compelled to do so. Here, I can highlight another example of some intellectual females of eighties who are living in posh colony near Boston, USA are brilliantly managing their life. They are living alone and do shopping, drive car and organize parties and do every efforts to memorize the special moment of life. They look younger than their present age and they still have gorgeous persona, active and do pleasing make up. This clearly signifies that people can slower the aging process and retain healthy life, only their age number is increased in records.

Today, technically advanced societies are snowballing at great pace. People must have to plan carefully at every stage of life like career planning, personal family planning and elderly stage planning. At early stage, if we are conscious of allocating funds under different heads, it will equip us to face any abrupt challenge and smoothly fix the intricate financial issues of life. Regular monitoring of inflation and market trend will allow us to manage our hard earned money. This in turn put less pressure on our mind and we can live stress free, hassle free life. Mental ease of person can reverse the aging process. Except financial comfort, we must have to amass resources like home with all possible amenities according to budget, network with vendors who can help in pay bills for utilities, security system to shield from any miscreants, family doctor etc.. These can make our life simple and we can put less effort to arrange from social world as we grow older.

Now we have reach to the end of dialogue whether aging can be reversed and the guidelines to maintain it. In logical way, we cannot avert the condition of aging but espousing the natural tips like expanding social network, exercising and yoga, to live comfortably and taking nutritious diet can decelerate the aging process. 


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