Multiple personality disorder is the birth of complex human surroundings

Multiple personality disorder is highly appeal to psychologists, academicians, researchers and intellectuals since long time. It is a heated debate topic in the historical dialogue of psychiatric disorder in diagnostic classification.
In convoluted global civilization, Multiple personality disorder is extensively prevalent and it emerges due to threatened environmental conditions and society’s malpractices.

Multiple Personality Disorder, also denoted as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), is the presence of two or more distinct individualities in a person, each with its own pattern of identifying and interacting with the environment. Minimal two personalities have control on person’s psyche or their behaviour. Person gripped with multi personality disorder exhibit symptoms of memory loss which is beyond normal inattentiveness. 

Abundant psychological studies have demonstrated that major causes that led to this syndrome is severe childhood ordeal that crafts a mental splitting or disconnection as a guard against that shock. Basically, multiple personalities developed due to austere trauma in initial stage of childhood, most typically extreme, frequent physical, sexual, and/or emotional mistreatment. The different personalities developed in individual known as alters. These different parts develop separately and in adulthood aid the victim deal with trauma by expressing bitterness or help tranquil the main persona.

In multiple personality disorder, every sufferer possesses two or more selves and each identity has its own temper, memories, behaviours, and experiences. Theoretical dogmas of Multiple Personality Disorder revealed that despondency in middle age originates from trauma in childhood period and the anguish is so severe that the individual automatically generates multiple individualities to manage his/her life. The severe disturbance in person’s mind is outcome of negative physical or sexual exploitation in childhood.

Another cause of multiple personality disorder is lack of social support.

Repression or suppression of intimidating, unwanted or intolerable thoughts and behaviour may lead to multiple personality disorder. Other factors result in multiple personality syndrome are extreme feeling of guilt, shame or anxiety when recapping disquieting experiences.

Major traits of multiple personality disorder:

Patients suffering from multiple personality disorder may spend their life with different personalities which ranges from two to hundred.

People gripped in multiple personality disorder may show posture, facial expressions, pattern of facial crumpling and even physical frailties.

Plentiful psychological reports have signified that multiple personality disorder is more widespread in females.

It is important to know for general people that the inception of multiple personality disorder is in early childhood.

People suffering from multiple personality disorder are generally do not aware about their multiple personalities in majority of the cases.

Person suffering from multiple personality disorder often have a range of symptoms that can be associated with other neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenic and mood psychoses, and seizure disorders. Most patients show symptoms like depression, expressions of anxiety (sweating, rapid pulse, and palpitations), phobias, physical symptoms (severe headaches or other bodily pain), panic attacks, physical symptoms, sexual dysfunction, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress. Suicidal worries and attempts are normal thought of people having multiple personality disorder.

Statistical data indicates that many people with a multiple personality disorder can manage their professional life and hold top level position in giant companies. They respond in societal situation in normal way and behave nicely to their co-workers, neighbours, and others in everyday life. But some individual who undergo multiple personality disorder do not accommodate normally and exhibit anomalous function which clearly indicates that they have mental illness.  Psychologists affirmed that multiple personality disorder is not simple ailment, instead it is serious and chronic.  It is related with a high frequency of suicide attempts.

Best treatment option for patients of multiple personality disorder is psychotherapy. Talk therapy, can also be applied for such patients. Other treatment modalities, include medications, hypnotherapy, and adjunctive therapies which lessen the symptoms and person can lead normal life.

To wrap up, multiple personality disorder is a severe form of mental syndrome pigeon-holed by having at least one "alter" personality that controls behaviour. Multiple Personality Disorder has been reported sparingly in developing countries and corroding human life to great extent. It is rooted in harrowing experience during childhood. Psychologists needs to pay attention to generate wakefulness among people for the adverse consequences of multiple personality disorders. Children must be shielded from unfavourable environment and social reform on diverse traditional views is required to lessen the effect of this ailment that spoil human living. 


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