Cutie pie: Splendid love story of teenagers

This is the poignant of a love story of teen age and how events have changed in adulthood.

A teenage boy, Vresh had one sided affair with his college mate, Priya. He never developed courage to express his inner feelings to her. One day, Vresh was jogging at sea beach. He suddenly saw, Priya was trying to swim but she failed. She tried many times to go into sea water but turned back with the fear of water. He came closer to her and asked why you have fear with water. She told him, I know swimming but I don’t know why I have developed fear with water. He met her parents. They were also unable to answer his query. He was quite surprised. After that, he visited sea beach frequently and met her. In many attempts, Priya agreed to swim with him. Both jumped to the swimming pool in nearest place and she was comfortable with Vresh. Priya liked his company. Slowly, they came closer. One day, Vresh proposed Priya with bunch of flowers and complemented her by saying that she is his “cutie pie”. She was too excited and happy at that moment but after sometime, she became sad because she knew that her parents won’t agree as both were not of same cast. Vresh consoled her and promised that he will make them agree for their marriage. He was so involved that he could not think of spending his life with another girl.

After completing higher education, he had flown to abroad for job. For this, he has to pay heavy price in terms of marriage of Priya to another male when he left for job. This was heartbreaking news for him and he became too harsh with female community. He never thought of marriage with any girl. His parents were very worried and told him that we will agree to any girl you chose for marriage. There is no cast bar and no issue of status but he did not please his parents in this way.

As the time passed, he touched the height of success and got the top management post in leading organization. This gave him fame and money. But all was useless as nobody was with him to utilize and make him happy. He chose touring job and frequently made business trip by Air. In one trip, when he was travelling along with parents, one girl rescued her mother from current flow of loose wire. His mother just embraced her because she took her life at risk to save mother. She knew more about that girl and showed interest to meet with her parents. That girl Ciny was living with her uncle and aunty. Mother met her uncle and told them that she wants to make her daughter in law. Ciny’s Uncle hesitated to accept this proposal but when they saw that family is good, and would be son in law is well placed, then agreed. Now the difficult task was to agree Vresh for marriage. This time, her mother blackmailed him emotionally and compelled him to marry with Ciny. He surrendered as he did not want to make his parents sad. Both were married and in first night he remembered too much about her cutie pie but did not found any where. All these thoughts upset him and he did not celebrate his first night. Whenever he saw his wife, automatically his cutie pie came in front of him and he kept distance with his wife. After few months, his mother observed that her son is not happy even though he got lovely wife. She discussed with her son on this issue. Vresh said he is doing the job of husband. He had given all rights to his wife but he could not give a place of his beloved as this was not in his control. His mother became too sad by thinking that she spoiled the life of an innocent girl. After six months, Ciny fell seriously ill and Vresh took all care to keep her healthy. He came closer to her and spent too much time with her as he understood his responsibility to look after her. Gradually, he spent much time with her and one day they had intimate relationship. Surprisingly, this event changed the mind of Vresh about his wife and he felt that his cutie pie is with him. Every time, he touched Ciny, he felt, he is touching Priya. Through these strange feelings, couple lead normal married life and Vresh’s mother was very happy to see them. Ciny was pregnant. Vresh behaved like Priya and buy all the things which Priya liked it. He thought if he reacted in Priya’s way, the child will be like her. Ultimately son was born which looked similar to Priya as he grown up. He was quite surprised how did this happen. Are there any way feelings that can have effect on prenatal period? All these thoughts irritated him.  But he thrown all these thoughts and believed that it was his feelings which compelled him to see his son like her cutie pie. But he decided to find out where his cutie pie is living now and how is she.

He gathered all details from many sources and came to know that Priya’s father was transferred and news of Priya’s marriage flashed. All friend received marriage cards but due to some important competitive examination, they could not attend the marriage of Priya. Vresh also enquired the place where Priya’s father was transferred but he could not get any traces due to recession that company was shut down. Now he was worried where the family of Priya is? After investigation, he got some news about Priya’s parents. Her parents met with accidents and they were disabled. They could not speak and unable to understand other’s conversation. They were living in one old home and were in very bad condition. Vresh could not get any clue about Priya but he brought her parents in to his home and requested her wife to stay in home. His wife Ciny had no objection as she wanted to get love from his husband even though they were the parents of her rival. Vresh was very upset and it affected in his marital relationship. His son, Prafull took care of Priya’s parents but his mother did not like such attraction. She always instructed Prafull to maintain distance with them. Vresh could not get success to find out Priya and he became aggressive person and sometimes lost control while dealing simple matters with his wife. Priya’s parents always looked Ciny as a daughter but they could not express their feelings. Prafull was fond of swimming. But Ciny never liked swimming.

Time passed and Prafull became very naughty. He wanted to celebrate his 6th birthday at sea beach and he made agreed to his mom for this. The party was on peak. Everybody was dancing and having fun. Ciny was a good rock dancer and she was celebrating the moment through dancing. While dancing she just moved towards water and she was unaware of that. Suddenly Vresh noticed that her half body was under water. He rushed towards her and hugged her in his both arms and coming out from water by swimming. Suddenly, he felt that Ciny was reacting in the same manner as Priya in her first time swimming. He again pulled her into water and she was swimming in the same manner. He jumped with joy. She was her cutie pie. He shouted in front of all guests that Ciny was her love and that moment was so thrilling, exciting that it can not be explained in words. Many people raised question that it was his misunderstanding but he said that he can not be mistaken in case of Priya. All family met Ciny’s uncle and aunty but they said it was their elder brother’s daughter. Even though, the truth was something different. They got the girl in accident site of Priya’s parents and her face was damaged. Priya’s parents requested them to save their daughter. Couple did not have kids therefore they took her with the permission of Government and gave all possible medical treatment. In this incident, Priya lost her memory and Ciny was completely the new girl.

Writer’s view: This is the greatness of people and converse us that humanity still exist in this cruel world. People are there to go out of the way to help other people.

Important Note:  This story is penned writer. Using part or full content is prohibited. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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