Headache with cough trigger several complication

Cough headaches is experienced by many people. Medical findings indicate that cough triggering headache is an uncommon. Cough headaches are uncommon type of headache caused by coughing and other types of straining such as from sneezing, blowing nose.


 It may be categorized into two categories. One consists of primary cough headaches which are generally mild and do not need treatment. They occur intermittently and improve on their own. Another category consists of secondary cough headaches, which may be more serious, because they are related with a causal problem in the brain.

Causes of Cough Headache:

Secondary cough headaches may be related with critical. These conditions include:

·        An abnormal skull shape
·        A cerebellar defect which affects the brain’s ability to control balance
·        A cerebral aneurysm or weakness in the wall of a blood vessel in your brain
·        A tumor in the brain
·        A leak in the cerebrospinal fluid

Symptoms of Cough Headache:

Primary cough headache symptoms include:

They last for a few seconds or few minutes, but sometimes up to 2 hours.

They cause a sharp, splitting or piercing type of pain.

Both sides of the head are usually affected.

Pain may be worse at the back of the head.

A dull headache may follow and continue for hours.

Secondary cough headache symptoms include:

Pain may be longer lasting.

It is accompanied by dizziness.

Patients have feeling of unsteadiness.

Fainting may occur.

Major risk factors:

Age: People above 40 years are prone to cough headache

Sex: Men are more prone to getting primary cough headaches.


Normally doctor recommend brain-imaging tests, such as MRI or CT scans for patients complaining cough headache to rule out other possible causes for headaches.


If patients have a history of primary cough headaches, their consultant may recommend daily medication to help prevent or reduce the pain.

When patient is suffering from secondary cough headache, doctors recommend surgery to fix the problem because preventive medicines will not work.

Preventive measure for cough headache:

People must take preventive actions to reduce the intensity of headaches. Some preventive measures are as under:

-Treating lung infections, such as bronchitis

-It is better to avoid medications that cause coughing as a side effect

-Getting an annual flu shot

-Using stool softeners to avoid constipation

-Minimizing heavy lifting or bending for long periods

People must be aware of the dangerous consequences of cough headache. They must visit to practitioner to know the root cause of such headache so that proper treatment should be done.


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