Stressful life of IT professionals

In technically driven society, IT professionals have to deeply involve in their project work. Due to high work pressure, long hours in front of the computer terminals and a fast-paced lifestyle, IT experts have to suffer a lot and have to pay the heavy cost in terms of weakening their physical health.

IT professionals have high stressed career because they are highly ambitious, more time pressure in completing projects and hectic life. According to psychological studies, IT professionals get stressed due to unrealistic deadlines and anticipations from the higher executives, and cognitive demands of work memory. They have poor lifestyles, less sleep, eat junk food and Isolation from social relationships.

Generally, there are some factors responsible for the stress among IT professionals. These are as follows:

1.   Working conditions
2.   Shift work
3.   Long hours
4.   New Technology
5.   Work overload

Warning signal of stress at work:

1.   Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed
2.   Apathy, loss of interest in work
3.   Problems sleeping
4.   Fatigue
5.   Trouble concentrating
6.   Muscle tension or headaches
7.   Stomach problems
8.   Social withdrawal
9.   Loss of interest in family life needs
10.    Using alcohol or drugs to cope

Stress management tactics:

Effectual technique to lessen stress is to expand social circle. Many studies have shown that talking face to face with a good listener can help to calm nervous system of people and relieve stress. IT professionals can share their thoughts and feelings with another person to reduce stress. It is highly important to take nutritious diet to maintain good physical health.

High level of stressful life can adversely impact the physical and mental health of IT professionals. Excessive stress can interfere with productivity and performance of executives. Huge number of IT experts are also experiencing substantial disturbance to their personal lives as a result of work demands. IT experts must espouse stress management tactics to lead peaceful life. 


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