Presbyopia: Aging eye impairment

Aging phase is full of challenges. Vision dimness with age is commonly observed among people when they reach their 40’s. This condition is known as presbyopia in which people's eyesight is weak and it continues to decrease. Simply stated, Presbyopia may result in inability to clear close-up vision because the eye's lens becomes brittle. Major symptoms of Presbyopia include blurry close-up vision, headaches and eye strain. Diagnosis of Presbyopia can be done by a basic eye exam, a refraction assessment and an eye health exam.

People who undergo Presbyopia must use eyeglasses to correct vision problems. Natural ways to fix Presbyopia are to intake sufficient amounts of vitamin A and C, consume omega-3 fatty acids, wear sunglasses, quit smoking and relax your eyes.

To cope with age-related vision dullness, people may use features of advanced technologies such as Voice Control, Magnifier, and Zoom available on most phones and tablets. Numerous apps such as Google Maps, Be My Eyes, and Seeing AI are helpful in managing vision impairment.

Lifestyle changes to prevent lessen the symptoms of Presbyopia:

Regular eye check is recommended to manage Presbyopia. It is important to bring health parameters in the normal range. Some chronic illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure negatively impacts on vision therefore people must be cautious and control the sugar level and BP through exercise, adopting a good lifestyle. People above 40 years must protect their eyes from direct sunlight because ultraviolet radiation may be harmful for eyes.  In doing rigorous activities such as playing sports, painting or staying in a toxic environment, people should use protective eyewear. Presbyopia can be managed to work in proper light.

Age related vision dimness, presbyopia can be adjusted regularly using a combination of reading glasses or progressive lenses. Lack of clarity in vision is a mental snag for people who never experienced eyesight problems in their early lifetime. Gradual loss of vision troubles persons and hits them mentally. They may develop feelings of loneliness, worry, and fear. Social isolation, and depression may be linked with vision impairment.

Emergency situations happen when people suffer from sudden loss of vision in one eye with or without pain, sudden hazy or blurred vision, double vision, or see flashes of light, black spots or halos around lights. In such cases, immediate medical attention is required.

Keynotes: Vision impairment is a natural phenomenon as people grow older. Presbyopia is an eye ailment in which a person has difficulty in seeing nearby objects. People in their middle age develop Presbyopia and it increases with age. Lifestyle changes, regular eye checkup and healthy diet may help people to manage presbyopia.

Important note: Above article is based on the environmental inputs and reflects personal views of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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