Gorgeous artwork turns to psychosomatic disorder: Stendhal Syndrome

 Tagline: Rare psychological disorder which surprisingly grip voyagers when submerging in architectural beauty.


Among a range of psychological disorders suffered by humans, Stendhal Syndrome is an unusual psychosomatic Syndrome. This mental ailment is also called Florence Syndrome and hyperkulturemia. Prime factor responsible for developing this syndrome is artwork that is observed by the individual to be beautiful and all retained in one place.


In this psychological disorder, when person is exposed to the focused works of art, he/she display array of symptoms such as physical and emotional uneasiness which elevates heart rate and intense dizziness, feelings of confusion and disorientation, nausea, dissociative episodes, temporary forgetfulness, fear. In extreme cases, individuals experience hallucinations and temporary madness.


Though stendhal Syndrome is not yet recorded in the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), psychiatrists recognized this syndrome in medical periodicals. Tourists and visitors who travel to historic places and expose to architectural structures are more vulnerable to Stendhal Syndrome. This rare mental disorder is caused by travel fatigue and deeply engrossed in stunning art work.


When people are severely gripped in Stendhal syndrome, they need immediate medical attention and appropriate treatment. Depending on the condition of the patient, psychiatrists recommend different medications. These medicines are effective in the suppression of anxiety, eradicate fear and nervous excitement, and get patients from unpleasant somatic symptoms.


Closing thoughts:  It can be established that people suffer from Stendhal syndrome when they look at huge amounts of art or sculptures. As a result, they show symptoms of breathlessness, increased heartbeat, and dizziness. In the acute stage, the patient is treated with psychological therapies.


Important note: This article is developed through environmental information, academic experience and reflects personal views of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement



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