
Showing posts from October, 2024

An elderly female travel passion that is the catch light for the global readers

Tagline: Travel passion of disc operated elderly female   This true story rewired my brain nerves that were dented, in a disastrous road accident in my early thirties. As a consequence, my L5 s1 disc of spine was prolapsed and did not resume into its original shape. Neurosurgeon extracted the affected disc without replacing it with an artificial disc. After that my life was totally disturbed. I had gone through the worst phase of managing routine life with lots of health precautions, Still, I never gave up and had a fervor to travel numerous spellbinding places to increase the horizon for researching novel beads of nature and sharing with people to augment their persona. On a visit to Mount Rainier, the highest volcanic peak in the adjoining United States, I climbed on rocky and jagged hilly walk paths to experience grander scenes covered with glaciers and other geological features. Reflected as a jewel of Washington State, I was fascinated to witness the heavenly natural magni...

Angel entered into our life: Human healer

A doctor entered in our life journey to make us survive. In my early married life, we were enjoying the creamy days. But a sudden break in our soothing landscape derailed our living. My spouse met with a car accident and got multiple injuries in head and arm. During hospitalization in the emergency ward, he was transfused O negative blood which comes in a rare category.  That was a devastating period as he caught hepatitis B virus during blood transfusion and attacked on liver. Smart and experienced doctor advised us chemotherapy. We agreed to go for chemotherapy and interferon injections were advised once a week. My spouse was recovering gradually and was discharged from hospital after a week. At home, one junior doctor visited my home to give interferon injection to my spouse. She always checks the details of injection before injecting. One day, when I gave an interferon injection bought a day earlier to the doctor for injecting my spouse. She checked the expiry date....

Consequences of unsafe patient handling may be hazardous

Medical revolution has increased the life expectancy of humans. Presently people are more health conscious and follow health guidelines recommended by medical practitioners with the spurt of advancement in scientific researches. Today people are more confident about health conditions and relax if they experience serious diseases because there are treatments available for even severe illnesses. With the exponential growth of medical experiments and availability of treatment for deadly diseases, there are several challenges in the realm of health management. One such issue is unsafe handling of patients after treatment of critical operations or diseases. Sometimes para medical staff unknowingly ignore the patient and do not adopt appropriate techniques while lifting, transferring, repositioning and moving patients or handling equipment. Such carelessness at the end of nurses or other staff may have serious health issues such as musculoskeletal injury like chronic back pain. patient han...

Cloud seeding: Experiment or beneficial procedure to improve air quality in polluted regions

Whether modification is an effective practice to enhance human living and stay healthy. In highly polluted regions, where air quality index threatens human health, cloud seeding may be the viable option to clean the atmosphere and augment life of living creatures. Cloud seeding induces artificial rain that enhances the cloud's ability to make rain or snow, along with controlling weather hazards that can be dangerous for species on earth.  According to scientists, Cloud seeding can be helpful for weather modification in polluted areas. In simple terms, Cloud seeding consists of dispersion of chemicals that include silver iodide over the clouds for rain to happen. In the cloud seeding process, clouds are inoculated with salts like silver iodide, potassium iodide, sodium chloride, or dry ice, which is symbolized as the "seed". These salts are disseminated to provide extra nuclei from more cloud droplets that depend on the temperature conditions within the clouds. Main pu...

Cognitive appraisal of information influx to hold up the knowledge load

Knowledge is core brain content for enhancement of logical reasoning and general awareness to resolve critical life issues. A Person with broad knowledge can analyze a specific challenging situation from diverse perspectives and fix the issue. People stuffed with wide knowledge about specific subjects gain mastery over numerous soft skills to deal with intricate problems that may hamper professional career or personal development.   While developing self-knowledge, academic knowledge, occupational knowledge and decision-making knowledge, it is important to extract important information from authentic sources and churn it to store quality data in mind. Knowledge can be a useful resource to accomplish giant goals and lead life successfully. People stuffed with relevant knowledge may smoothly manage personal relationships, social networks and health. Extra knowledge or irrelevant information can be drained to manage knowledge load. People should keep on adding good informatio...

Phantom mined from soul

  Tagline: Soul chased away the ghost/phantom Negativity is the sign of severe mental degradation which has a capacity to vanish the existence of humans. People develop unfriendly thoughts in several odd conditions in life and use it as a defense mechanism unknowingly. Normally, unwanted, violent, worrying, or strange thoughts come to mind regularly while dealing with social, personal or occupational arena. It is the knack of a good soul to scramble the sin  of negative thoughts and drain out from the mental storehouse to cleanse the mind and body. You may enrich soul through deep breath to get relieved from intense stress and flush out anger, anxiety, depression and worry.  Do not hear gruff voices of emotional ambiance that shake your mind. It will enable the soul to evade negative or ghostly thoughts into mental ground. Spiritual adoption may equip the soul to brush out dangerous emotional feelings or painful experiences of the past. Heartfelt thoughts about comm...