Human survival during landslide disaster

 In advancing weather technology to predict natural disaster or sudden climate change, prepare inhabitants to relocate from sensitive places. Landslides are considered as a dangerous and life-threatening natural calamity. It happens suddenly and leads to massive destruction in the natural environment and human fatalities. Landslide in hilly regions causes flooding or rapid mudflow. A landslide is the natural drive of rock, soil or debris towards sloping areas of the land due to heavy rain, tremors, volcanoes that lead to slope shakiness.

In a move to build a smart city, professionals must brilliantly sketch the all-modern facilities for ease of use such as building broad highways, high rise buildings and other constructions which may turn to be threatening for them. Over constructions without proper marking of slopes, poor drainage systems may be the decisive factors in triggering landslides. To prevent landslides, experts can adopt effectual techniques while constructing the strong building with all safety measures, altering slopes geometry. Experts must plan ahead according to the weather report to install structures such as piles and retaining walls, use chemical agents to strengthen slope material, grouting rock joints and fissures, proper debris paths, and redirect surface and underwater drainage.

Locals are instructed to evacuate the places where there is a probability for landslides. People living in disaster prone areas must be educated about environmental hazards such as they must take them seriously if there is any unusual sounds of moving debris, like trees crashing or rocks hitting together. A drop of flowing or falling mud or debris are the indicators of heavy landslides. As a preventive measure, people living in prone areas must watch the canal of stormwater drainage and excess water converge near their house. It will help them to sense the trend of water flow and knock down the landslide disaster.

In the modern technical phase, numerous devices are developed to measure the natural disturbances. In vulnerable areas of the city, experts must establish an early warning system and a high-risk slope monitoring system. Government must impose restrictions on surplus construction that can put pressure on land areas and may be the cause of landslides. Tree plantations are encouraged to fence the susceptible areas to lessen the impact of landslides.    

Final word:

Landslide disasters wreck human life, disrupt the basic facilities. Habitants trapped in landslides are protected through great efforts of NDRF teams. In order to lessen the impact of landslide risk, effective hazard plotting must be performed to tap the prone areas of landslides. 

Important note:

Above article is based on the environmental inputs and reveal personal views of writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any differences.



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