Health monitoring of mother after weaning breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural phenomenon which connects mother and baby emotionally and provides a protective covering. Mothers should take great care when babies stop breastfeeding. Sometimes babies stop sucking milk then mothers do not produce milk.  After weaning breastfeeding, mothers may undergo some health issues such as breast engorgement, fullness or pain. These physical changes or symptoms after stopping breastfeeding are temporary and disappear with time. These do not need medical attention unless mothers exhibit severe signs of discomfort.

After weaning breastfeeding, mothers are recommended to self-examine the breast area once in a month to check the shape and size to resume good health. In case of prolonged bulging or if mothers observe any lumps in breast, mothers should seek doctor’s advice. Doctors may recommend a mammogram if they diagnose tender, or any irritating symptoms in the breast.  To prevent inflamed breasts, Mothers need to express milk sometimes. When mothers experience pain or fullness after stopping breastfeeding, they can hand express or pump small amounts of milk. They can also apply cold packs on the breast to lessen inflammation and discomfort.

Doctors do not prescribe any medicine to mothers after stopping breastfeeding.  However, for any discomfort, mothers can visit a doctor. These symptoms may be a red lump in breast, puckering of breast, Fever or flu, Nipple retraction. aching breasts, observing rash on breast, Infrequent nipple discharge or a bleeding nipple.


Rewiring the facts:

Breastfeeding is necessary for good health for mothers and boost. Health monitoring after stopping breastfeeding is important to diminish severe health hazards. After weaning breastfeeding, mothers may show a range of symptoms such as uncomfortable feeling, sour or red breast, and fullness. Though these symptoms may naturally vanish as these are cosmetic changes. If symptoms persist for longer duration, mothers may visit a doctor for thorough examination in order to avoid any serious health condition. 

Important note: Above article is based on the writer's analysis with environmental inputs. Any resemblance is coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 




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