Explore unique ways to write your feeling

Individuals are naturally engrossed with endless opinions and feelings through life experience. With a huge inlet, there is also a need for a proper outlet of a human's emotional state.

Before writing down sensitive thoughts it is advised to label emotions and subtle feelings. Through tagging, writers will get direction to organize appropriate words, phrases or captions to create impressive and heart touching portrayal of feelings or emotive state. Writers can express well the poignant experience of life with rigorous analysis of thoughts. Self-awareness also aids in expressing feelings in words.

Converting emotional reactions into words can amazingly have therapeutic significance and enhance cognitive functions of the brain. Writers must write in free flow to prepare a raw draft of feelings.  Subsequently, review the draft and give shape to the final narrative through adding powerful and magnetic series of sentences and phrases to pull the attention of readers.

Expressing feelings in words is not a simple task. People who want to portray their emotions sometimes undergo a gamut of mental turbulence such as stress, anxiety, depression, disgrace. It is a wise step to churn the strands of feelings before putting in words to lessen mental load. While writing about feelings, emphasizing sensitive and touchy moments will add color to the storyline. Writers must express their feelings in first person format and elucidate emotional reactions so that readers can comprehend appropriately and engrossed in narration.

Last word:

Talented writers can brilliantly craft words, metaphors, phrases to weave feelings in order to engage readers. There are some tactics to create narratives of emotive responses or thoughts. Writers firstly dismantle the feelings as naturally experienced and pick dominant words to give good shape to writing. It will allow readers to relate with a compelling storyline and feel relish to read till the end. 

Important note: Above article is created on the basis of writer’s analysis. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.  




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