Vigor of US inhabitant to beat psyche of aging

 US is modernizing constantly with the contribution of inhabitants. US citizens have passion to look younger and they make fabulous efforts to keep up this feeling.  Sense of young-looking never fades. Human in different stages of life cycle have wonderful experiences which silhouette their personality. It is well comprehended from social surroundings that people in dusk stage of life feel low towards life. US people are ambitious and energetic to accept challenging task even in their greying stage which in turn enable them to realize as young entity in the world and they have purpose to live in seventies or eighties.


Positive perception of aging makes them healthy and they have long life. It lessens mental stress of aging in people. Many artists, intellectuals and doctors have young look as they grow older. American pop singer Michael Jackson sets an example to look smart with age. It depends on person to look younger or elderly. People can maintain their body through exercise and by engaging in healthy mental activities. Mental health counts a lot to combat aging. It is embedded in numerous American societies that some people enhance their smartness and mental strength as they age. They have enriched experience with age to live every moment of life with full ecstasy. With simple and healthy lifestyle, they can preserve their health and energy for whole life.


Why US citizens overawe aging?


The secret of healthy persona is to retain mental prowess.  US populace keep on participating in sensational program which group them to smart people no matter what their age is. It spreads a valuable message to other countries that beauty is not a phenomenon of youth. There are plentiful tactics to slowdown aging process that pushes people to move towards death path. It is counseled to aged people to accept death as a challenge of life because it is crude truth which can not be evaded but can be delayed. US elderly people reveal their persona through intelligent dialog, look presentable with gorgeous attire and throw jokes in groups.


Mental alertness and cognitive abilities may enhance physical attribute. US People in seventies or later concentrate on high quality living and gratify their desire of youth period which they were unable to manage due to social pressure. Such efforts of US communities become an eye catching of teenagers and youth. They consider themselves as a part of youth. Many elderly Americans live in glamorous style through maintaining balance between spiritual and physical domains of life.  American film actor and director Charles Robert Redford Jr and many others have proved to be energetic personality in life. US people join in youth debate, attend pop shows and organize joyous parties to enjoy life to lessen the feeling of aging.


In my trip to US, I met with American couple in tourist place near Seattle, a sea port city in Washington. They were very happy and enjoying the beauty of landscape near sea beach. They talked to my whole family about taste, tradition and profession. Also, they told interesting stories and experiences of their world trip. It was inspiring to all of us because they did not show sign of aging and had positive brashness towards life.  


Another experience of cheerful living of elderly Americans was in my stay in Troy, city in Oakland County, Michigan, United States.  I along with my husband regularly used to go for walk in the evening. We frequently met with aged people who enthusiastically talked to us and share their thoughts though we were stranger to them. Such interaction reveals their optimistic persona. We were really impressed with their positive attitude towards life.


Closing thoughts:


Basically, older people are driven towards spirituality which divulges inner beauty. Aged people who have strong desire to explore novel facts, mentally engage in wide spectrum tasks, and have healthy lifestyle never let down. Therefore, society always visualizes them younger.


Important note: This is original article of writer. Some advises or suggestions are the inner views of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement













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