ChatGPT: Just human facilitator or inhibitor


Digital technology is going upwards drastically in this millennium and gaining new-fangled heights in global podium. It is entrenched into all business showground. In aggressive tech climate, ChatGPT a brainchild of  Open AI has unique contribution in digital world and it is approachable technological progression among people as a chatbot. Phrase ChatGPT denotes to Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a subdivision of artificial intelligence (AI) model that processes language and assists human to provide viable solution of their queries robotically. Generative Pre-trained Transformer has peculiar quality to engender human friendly prose. ChatGPT has varied applications to facilitate people to ease their job task such as language translation, summarization, and creating content for any business documents, developing company profile, or making financial reports.

Best and worst side of Chat GPT as a digital transformation:

Recently, ChatGPT is a contentious AI model and framed in radar of technical experts and intellectuals.

Key advantages of ChatGPT:

Putting light on positive aspect, inception of ChatGPT is welcoming technical move that brought groundbreaking changes in all spheres of human life.  AI model provide a soothing platform for people to interact around the globe. ChatGPT facilitated proximity to people from all cultures and backgrounds and conduct good business deals. ChatGPT enables people to access boundless information from home and workplace. This AI model creates superb opportunities for employment and abet to explore appropriate jobs for candidate. ChatGPT can transfigure several business sectors like retail, banking and other industries.

Other effectual upside of ChatGPT is its efficient and highly scalable approach which may serve as a lucrative choice for business companies. ChatGPT is powerful language model which offers wide-range conversation through pre-trained dataset and well adroit to appraise written and spoken language as compared to other progressive tech devices. This will save valuable time of busy techies, medical professionals, business giant and scientists. Educators can get huge benefit by using ChatGPT such as preparing lesson plans and assignments with ease and deliver the same timely.

Profound analysis of ChatGPT is envisioned that it is not a job killer. Humans can use ChatGPT to ease their task in writing, developing applications, testing, reviewing text or coding which are already performed with backing of specified tools.  

Downside of ChatGPT is marked by challengers.

Technological upgradation also has some detrimental impact on human activities and living pattern. Noticeable negative aspect of ChatGPT may be providing imprecise or misled responses because GPTs are developed through statistics, knowledge and algorithms in limited database.  Consequently, some chatbot conversations may be questionable and unauthentic. Sometimes for tricky queries, ChatGPT process takes longer time to reply. In such cases professionals or agents may promptly give needed information.  

Since ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence model to process data, it is not designed to comprehend emotional or psychological facets of users to aid in challenging circumstances.

Cognitive introspection of ChatGPT:

Human brain vs artificial intelligence is a compelling theme among scientists and research explorers. ChatGPT is emerged as golden ray to collate useful information for quick learning, get exposure to myriads of domain to dig out training and job and augment their lifestyle. It can be well comprehended that students can improve their grade through Chat GPT which can provide solution to complex concepts and ideologies of their educational syllabus better. Such responses may enhance their memory power, polish their thinking and refine their logical power to deal with intricate issues in life and other arena of life. Rigorous cognitive analysis of    ChatGPT unveiled that user may overtly reliant on ChatGPT model for even simple issues. Such addictions can have adverse impact on autonomous critical thinking and problem-solving adeptness.

Overexposure of Chat GPT can have considerable negative effects on our social life and our cognitive and mental health. ChatGPT with huge benefit to all level of professionals and students may immensely impact on their cognitive prowess. People may get instant results to their tasks or queries using ChatGPT which may hamper growth of verbal skills, decision making power, and logical approach to solve grim issues. ChatGPT may lead to cognitive decline if it is used frequently. In long run, excessive use of language model will impede thought process of person. they will invite numerous mental ailments also. People who want to find solution for day-to-day problem and for school assignments may develop monotony and are not motivated to learn novel concepts which in turn results in weakening of intelligence. When visualizing from psychological angle, it is supposed that students or teaching professionals who are addicted with ChatGPT may develop obsessions, mood changes, intolerance, lack of concentration, withdrawal tendencies, and functional abnormality.

Effectiveness of ChatGPT in technological driven society:  

For betterment of human culture and retain natural balance in universe, it is a sole responsibility of tech innovators to explore techniques for best application of advanced technology. ChatGPT is splendid technological innovation and may be visualized as a workable solution in resolving grave legal issues if carefully database is programmed according to country specific legal framework. Effectual application of ChatGPT in medical stream cannot be denied. It will assist patients with useful conversation in real ground. Patients who complain some serious symptoms can instantly get first aid information till they get doctor’s attention. This may reduce the death rate and generate healthy society. 

Chatbot using natural language process can be very efficacious in marketing, customer support, recruiting candidates for organization and in entertainment areas. Travel companies may get huge benefit from ChatGPT through devising marvelous travel plan for visitors in a short period. In software field, ChatGPT is well proficient to generate code on specific programming language. In education area, ChatGPT serves as an excellent tech system to educate students and create series of quizzes and test questions to empower students to crack examination.

 Bottom line:

Gist of above introspection specifies that innovative processes in tech world are imperative for enhancement of global society. Giant tech company, Open AI has introduced innovative ChatGPT for people of diverse society to hasten their work and assuage their complex issues in workplace as well as in personal living. For layman’s knowledge, ChatGPT is Large Language Model in which an artificial intelligence language model uses deep learning to comprehend and produce natural language responses to diverse enquiries of users.

In reflective scrutiny of ChatGPT, this powerful language model is gripped into intense argument. The dark side of Chat GPT is well marked by contenders. ChatGPT may be a blossoming digital technology to offer wonderful solution for myriads of technical and educational projects which require long hours to wrap up. As well, it may wane cognitive progression of users because of high dependency on technology for their projects. In concluding remark, challengers voiced that in the arena of education sector, ChatGPT remains alarming signal due to sluggishness of thought process in learning, completing educational projects or even creating new ideas. Still supporters praised the digital revolution in the form of ChatGPT which augments human life and develop good understanding of ambiguities of the cosmos. Through the lens of followers, AI language model of ChatGPT is considered as a human facilitator but if it is exploited it may create havoc in natural pattern of human brain.

Important note: Above article is inventive copy of writer through information collected from environmental sources.  Some advises or suggestions are the inner views of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.

About Writer:

Current status: International creative writer

 PG in Psychology  

Writer is reasoning and intelligence test developer and creative writer with decade long experience of developing innovative write-ups for global organizations.



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