Tricks to understand questions in competitive examination to get high rank

For preparation of competitive examination, initial step is to comprehend simple and complex questions. Generally, students thoroughly study the syllabus, attempt practice questions and think that they have done good preparation for competitive examination. But this is not enough.

Students must make habit to understand questions that can come in competitive examinations. These can be unique and complicated. To understand questions that can be expected in exam, students must focus on the concepts and logics and not rote learning. To understand the questions, students must do self-evaluation of answers, accuracy and speed. Sometimes, on wrong understanding, students loose marks.

Split the questions into parts and try to know what is exactly being asked. Splitting enable the students to correctly comprehend the question and then they can mark the right answer of question.

Sometimes concept, terminology is not familiar to students as question writers create unique questions to assess the logic or ability of students.   In this case, it is advised to correlate with other words in question sentence and read twice or thrice without any fear. If students have thorough knowledge of syllabus, they will crack the answer of question.

Practice sample papers as much as they can. This exercise enables the students to develop confidence on syllabus and they will be familiar with the pattern and type of questions come in exams.
It can be observed that good approach to question, deep knowledge and confidence assist the students to understand the question correctly and it will result in high rank in competitive examination. 


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