Smart techniques to enhance exam performance

Exams always intimidate candidates whether competitive or academic.  It is wise to adopt effective ways to score high in exams and beat the competition.
To obtain good marks in examination, sensible planning is important for studying, reviewing, and practicing the subjects.

Candidates need to study thoroughly and make good time management. For complex concept, it is not advisable to study just before examination.

Students need to use latest study material. Old materials, notes borrowed from seniors or bought second hand, often refer to old rules. It is well observed that making good notes, and properly utilizing notes is effective technique to obtain good score in examination.

Candidates must be familiar with the exam structure such as how many sections will the exam have, what are the differences between the sections, will there be multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, or both?
Students must adopt positive mental attitude towards exam and workout on their weaknesses. They can also contact counsellor to overcome their academic flaws. It has been commonly observed that many students fall short in essay writing skill and underperform in exam. Good essay technique include all aspects of essay-writing, from the research phase to the final proofread, and even respond to the feedback. It will enhance essay writing and help in getting good marks. Additionally, students must explore the right learning style so that they understand the concepts in profound manner.

In final word, it can be advocated that candidates appearing in exams have to use quality study materials, prepare wise plan for study and understand exam pattern to augment performance.


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