Yoga helps students to lessen mental pressure of exams

There are visible benefits of yoga for students to relieve stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive syndrome and other mental strain of studies and exams. It is observed that extreme study pressure during exams, students undergo numerous mental problems. They develop unhealthy lifestyle and have poor nutritional intake that adversely effect on their physical health and lower the performance in exam. In modern age, pupils face lot of mental strain due to a highly competitive environment and work culture. Peer-pressure, examination pressure, long study hours, unbalanced eating habits are prime causes of a worrying lifestyle.

Yoga has positive impact on the health of students when they are in intense pressure. The practice of Yoga can help students to overcome mental problems and lead a healthy lifestyle. Students must get benefits from regular yoga practices. Yoga helps to improve academic performance through relieving mental pressure. Through meditation, students get relieve from stress and they throw out negative thought about studies and exam results. Proper yoga exercise improve memory power to learn academic lessons such as Ashtanga Yoga and Kundalini Yoga for 20 minutes a day. Another positive aspect of yoga practice is that it improves concentration. Students can focus on their studies more to get desired academic results. The yogic principles inspire the human mind to focus on one thought while mildly remove distractions of studies.

Correct and regular practice of yoga improves posture of students which reduces back pain due to long hours of studies during exams. Yoga facilitates students to become aware of body and train muscles to align correctly.
During exam sessions, students must practice some yogic exercises.
The first one is Surya Namaskar. It is a stimulating technique in yoga, and composed of 12 postures which help to influence the working of different organs and glands present in the body.
Another recommended asana is Matsyasana, also called fish pose which improves blood circulation to the head.  This asana helps in relieving stress in the neck and in the back area.
Kapalbhati also helps in reducing mental stress and anxiety due to exams. This is a technique of pranayama as well as a process of cleansing of body system and is part of the Hatha Yoga. Padmasana give relaxation to students. They can relieve muscle tension because of sitting and studying for extended periods of time.

Yoga practice decreases the pulse rate and respiratory rate. It makes stable automatic nervous system and lesson blood pressure and enhances cardiovascular efficiency. Yoga normalizes gastrointestinal function and endocrine function. It helps in normalizing sleep also.

To recap, yoga practice is must for students in today’s fierce competitive environment where students face lots of challenges in their academic arena. It is natural way to relieve mental pressure and perform excellently in exams. 


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