Memory improvement during exam

Exam is a fearful feeling for most of the students. Preparing for exams can be intimidating task. Therefore rich nourishment and good lifestyle can augment memory power and help to score high rank in exams.

Revision is must to memorize the theories and concepts.

It is good to make a note of important concepts, words and theories while learning.

It is advised to associate ideas with other tags to memorize it for longer period.

Regular exercise and nutritious diet can help to enhance memory during exams and other study period.
Proper sleep is necessary to become fresh and learn the concepts faster.

It is not recommended to consume alcohol, caffeine and other mind-altering substances.
An effective to memorize the lessons and theories is to teach someone whatever you have learnt. It will also assess your understanding about concepts as well as revise theories of the subject.

The best ways to memorize your understanding about syllabus of subject is to speak loudly for novel words, principles, draw diagrams, take short breaks in study periods, and find novel way to learn study material. Students can also use technology for effective learning such as downloading useful dictionary apps.
In nutshell, good health, proper sleep, regular exercise, creating mental association, and group study enhances memory power for exams and students can give high performance even in tough examinations.


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