How smoking habit restrict job opportunities for candidates

Smoking cigarettes is a fashion among people and they want to become smart among friends and other despite of its detrimental impact on health. It is a general belief that smoking affects greatly on health of individual. But people must know that smoking cigarette has adverse effect on career and earning power of candidates.

Numerous research studies have revealed that unemployed smokers were less likely to get new jobs and when they did, they less money. Employees, who smoke, cost private employers more money and employers are gradually taking steps to decrease smoking in the workforce.

Recruitment process of world health organization includes a sequence of screening questions comprising whether the candidate is a smoker, and if they would continue to smoke if they were employed by the organisation. If the answer to both questions is yes, the candidate will not progress to the next round for consideration.

In global scenario, numerous multinational companies and most of the US employers are recruit candidates who are non-smoker at work or at home. According to news sources, some companies also conduct random urine tests on their employees to detect traces of nicotine. These companies raise issue of productivity if employees smoke at work.

In nutshell, it is imperative for candidates who are applying for job or switching to new company must quit the smoking habits. Otherwise, they have to pay heavy prices for career decline and further it will impact on their personal and family life also.  


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